October 25, 2010

Grandmother and boyfriend charged with kidnapping for allegedly taking 13-year-old granddaughter

While her son was at a bachelor party in September, a Coldwater (Michigan) woman and her long-time boyfriend […]
October 23, 2010

FBI: Would-be bomber said he’d die for bin Laden

FBI officials who arrested a Jordanian man plotting to blow up a Dallas skyscraper offer a different portrayal […]
October 21, 2010

NPR Ends Williams’ Contract After Muslim Remarks

NPR News has terminated the contract of longtime news analyst Juan Williams after remarks he made on the […]
October 21, 2010

Questionable appointments

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s appointment of “de-radicalization” expert Mohamed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Council earlier […]
October 18, 2010

GW University starts female-only swim hours

At George Washington University, the Muslim Students’ Association and the University opened up “Sisters’ Splash,” a female-only hour […]
October 5, 2010

Dearborn schools settle with coach who claimed he lost his job over Christian beliefs

A wrestling coach who claimed he lost his job at a suburban Detroit high school because of his […]
October 4, 2010

Editors Pass on Comic Strip With a “Where’s Muhammad” reference

Some editors opted not to run Sunday’s “Non Sequitur” comic strip, which included a “Where’s Muhammad?” reference, according […]
October 1, 2010

Moderate Muslims Speak Out on Capitol Hill

A group of genuinely moderate, non-Islamist Muslims have testified on Capitol Hill: they emphasized the importance of educating […]
September 30, 2010

Hamas-linked cleric took part in FBI outreach effort

The FBI on Thursday defended its inclusion of a Chicago Muslim cleric tied in the past to the […]
September 28, 2010

Washington’s Schizophrenic Approach Toward the Muslim Brotherhood

Raising questions about which Islamic groups the US government interacts with, both the Obama and George W Bush […]
September 27, 2010

It’s time to fight back against death threats by Islamic extremists

Ayaan Hirsi Ali argues that as Islamic extremists are increasingly using intimidation to stifle free expression, a federal […]
September 25, 2010

4 missionaries acquitted of inciting crowd

A jury acquitted on Friday four Christian missionaries who were accused of “inciting” a crowd while videotaping themselves […]
September 19, 2010

Rep. Meeks helped ‘jihad’ flier

US Representative Gregory Meeks scolded immigration officials for questioning Muslim scholar Anwar Hajjaj with “unwarranted scrutiny”, but the […]
September 15, 2010

Seattle Muhammad cartoonist goes into hiding

A Seattle cartoonist has disappeared from public view because she’s on an Islamic cleric’s hitlist for declaring “Everybody […]
September 13, 2010

The Road to Wahhabism

Washington’s Islamic Center is an example of how moderate Muslims become marginalized. via:[http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/246307]
September 10, 2010

Questions for Imam Rauf From an American Muslim

Zuhdi Jasser, a reformist American Muslim, asks Imam Rauf of the proposed Islamic center near ground zero, some […]
September 8, 2010

Get Over the Quran Burning

Asra Nomani, a reformist Muslim, writes: “On the plan to burn Qurans this weekend, I say to Muslims: […]
August 18, 2010

How to Win the Clash of Civilizations

Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes on how to win the clash of civilizations, arguing the key advantage of Samuel […]
August 17, 2010

Our “moderate Muslim” problem

Brett Stephens writes the Ground Zero mosque imam earns wide congratulations while true Muslim reformers go ignored. via:[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704868604575433214247852860.html?mod=googlenews_wsj]
August 10, 2010

Female circumcision victims seek out Colo. doctor

In Trinidad, Colorado, doctor Marci Bowers has performed about two dozen reconstructive surgeries on mostly African born women […]