June 16, 2011

Specialist raising issue of female circumcision

The practice of FGM might seem a distant problem, taking place as it does mainly in African countries, […]
June 12, 2011

Police ‘covered up’ violent campaign to turn London area ‘Islamic’

In the UK, police have been accused of “covering up” a campaign of abuse, threats and violence aimed […]
June 9, 2011

The state cannot curb sharia law alone

British commentator Andrew Brown writes “sharia rulings, especially the informal ones, already derive much of their force from […]
June 8, 2011

UK bill limiting sharia law is motivated by ‘concern for Muslim women’

Islamic courts would be forced to acknowledge the primacy of English law under a bill being introduced in […]
June 5, 2011

Universities ‘complacent’ over Islamic radicals, Theresa May warns

British Home Secretary Theresa May told The Daily Telegraph that universities were not taking the issue of radicalization […]
May 17, 2011

Calls to criminalise forced marriages as figures suggest up to 8,000 cases a year

According to British Members of Parliament, the British government should criminalize forced marriages after figures suggested there are […]
April 14, 2011

UK Prime Minster David Cameron’s speech on immigration

British Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged to address abuses in the British immigration system: “there are forced […]
April 13, 2011

Pearson: We too should ban the burka

Allison Pearson writes on why Britain should follow France and act against the burka. via:[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/allison-pearson/8449101/We-too-should-ban-the-burka.html]
March 30, 2011

Female circumcision prevention post abolished by government

The British government has abolished the only Whitehall post devoted to work preventing women and girls from the […]
March 13, 2011

Nomad: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations by Ayaan Hirsi Ali – review

The Guardian’s Alexander Linklater reviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Nomad and calls the work “electrifying”. via:[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/13/hirsi-ali-nomad-personal-journey]
March 8, 2011

Forced marriages ‘at record high’ – South Wales Police

South Wales Police say they are dealing with the largest number of cases of forced marriage and honour […]
March 7, 2011

‘Honour’ killings plan does not go far enough, says women’s rights group

New British government plans for tackling violence against women and girls will not go far enough to help […]
March 1, 2011

Forced marriages Bill clears hurdle

Legislation to eradicate forced marriages in Scotland has cleared another parliamentary hurdle. via:[http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5iSwFavYV_5yjFSIkvdn9MjquZ9jg?docId=N0226261298978560826A]
February 24, 2011

British teen escapes forced marriage

A British teenager who was abused after refusing to marry a man in Pakistan has brought to light […]
February 24, 2011

Support to tackle female genital mutilation

In the UK, New guidelines will help frontline professionals such as nurses, doctors, teachers and social workers identify […]
February 23, 2011

Teenager battered for refusing arranged marriage after father sold her

A brave teenager has spoken for the first time of the harrowing ordeal of being beaten up in […]
February 22, 2011

Four men slashed teacher’s face and left him with fractured skull ‘for teaching other religions to Muslim girls’

In East London, four men launched a horrific attack on a teacher in which they slashed his face […]
February 22, 2011

‘Action needed’ on forced marriage says abused teenager

The government is defending how it deals with forced marriage with one victim saying there is not enough […]
February 14, 2011

Muslim convert wife and children ‘killed by abusive monster”

An “abusive monster” murdered his wife, a convert to Islam, and their two young children before taking his […]
January 30, 2011

Grooming of girls by Asian gangs fuelled by unhappy arranged marriages to cousins claims Muslim peer

A senior Muslim politician in the UK has blamed unhappy arranged marriages to cousins for leading some Pakistani […]