August 14, 2012

The Washington Post reports that two Pakistani parents have been found guilty of murdering their daughter Shafilea in a so-called honor killing in the UK.

In the UK, Justice Roderick Evans sentenced Iftikhar, 52, and Farzana Ahmed, 49, to life in prison for […]
August 3, 2012

A Pakistani couple murdered their “Westernised” daughter because they were more concerned about shame in their community than about their children, a British judge said in his verdict.

A Pakistani couple murdered their “Westernised” daughter because they were more concerned about shame in their community than […]
July 24, 2012

Female genital mutilation remains a big problem in the United Kingdom

Young girls are being sent to Britain for the abusive removal of their genitalia by migrant families across […]
July 7, 2012

The UK continues to crack down on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), issuing a pocket guide designed to slip in the back of a passport allowing girls to present it as a formal document to friends or family reminding them that FGM is against the law in the UK.

A new pocket guide to the UK law on female genital mutilation will be soon be made available […]
June 4, 2012

Nazir Afzal has become the public face of the British legal system’s determination to stamp out honour-based violence, forced marriage and sexual grooming of girls.

Nazir Afzal has become the public face of the British legal system’s determination to stamp out honour-based violence, […]
June 4, 2012

Pakistani British girl may have been killed by parents ‘for dating boys’

A Muslim teenager was murdered by her parents because she refused to let them “crush her will” and […]
June 4, 2012

In Bristol, UK, officials have launched an anti-female genital mutilation campaign to combat the practice.

The latest campaign against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Bristol has been launched by the city’s safeguarding children’s […]
June 4, 2012

The BBC profiles Muslim women who are victims of polygamy.

The BBC profiles Muslim women who are victims of polygamy. Via:[]
June 4, 2012

In a critique of moral relativism, British commentator James Bloodworth writes that “A bikini is not the same as a niqab”.

In a critique of moral relativism, British commentator James Bloodworth writes that “A bikini is not the same […]
May 23, 2012

In an “honor” killing case, a young woman has told a court in England that as a child she witnessed her 17-year-old sister being murdered by their parents after a months-long quarrel about the teen’s Westernized lifestyle.

In an “honor” killing case, a young woman has told a court in England that as a child […]
May 8, 2012

British Muslim leader caught on camera advocating female genital mutilation by taking girls abroad

A British Muslim leader has been caught on camera advocating female genital mutilation. Mohammed Abdul, the Imam of […]
April 4, 2012

Britain’s forced marriage victims are being coerced to marry in more far flung places and at a much younger age than previously thought, reports the Independent.

Britain’s forced marriage victims are being coerced to marry in more far flung places and at a much […]
April 4, 2012

The youngest victim protected by the UK’s Forced Marriage Unit in 2011 was only 5 years old, reports the BBC.

The youngest victim protected by the UK’s Forced Marriage Unit in 2011 was only 5 years old, reports […]
April 3, 2012

Under Sharia tribunals in the UK, women are victims, writes Charlotte Rachael Proudman

Under Sharia tribunals in the UK, women are victims. Via:[]
April 3, 2012

BBC study: one in five young British Muslims support ‘honor’ violence

Research undertaken by ComRes for the BBC has found that nearly one in five – 18 per cent […]
April 3, 2012

Anti female genital mutilation sessions for men in Bristol

Sessions to encourage men to help stop female genital mutilation (FGM) will be held in Bristol, it is […]
March 27, 2012

The BBC reports that advocates for Muslim women’s rights in the UK frequently receive hate mail, harassment and even death threats for dealing with issues such as forced marriage and ‘honor’-based violence

The BBC reports that advocates for Muslim women’s rights in the UK frequently receive hate mail, harassment and […]
January 9, 2012

Baby must be adopted to prevent honour killing, British Court of Appeals rules

A baby at risk of becoming the victim of an ”honour killing” because she was born as the […]
December 20, 2011

Please sign Karma Nirvana’s petition to better protect children from forced marriage and honor violence.

Please sign Karma Nirvana’s petition to better protect children from forced marriage and honor violence. Via:[]
December 6, 2011

Classrooms in London schools tackle genital mutilation

Each year, 6,500 girls in central London could undergo female genital mutilation. Now the city hopes to curb […]