June 7, 2010

New online tool helps legal professionals assist victims of forced marriage

The British Government’s Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) has launched an online resource to help legal professionals working with […]
June 1, 2010

Al Jazeera’s female talent resigns over modesty demands

Five female Al Jazeera presenters have resigned after being accused of “dressing immodestly”: the five presenters, along with […]
May 13, 2010

Roadshow warning over forced marriages to start

The first UK roadshow aiming to stop South Asian youngsters being forced into marriages abroad is due to […]
April 16, 2010

Australian Judge warns of honour killing difficulties

Australian courts face difficulties in dealing with honor killing crimes and forced marriage cases, Chief Justice of the […]
April 11, 2010

Met allows Islamic protesters to throw shoes

Scotland Yard has bowed to Islamic sensitivities and accepted that Muslims are entitled to throw shoes in ritual […]
April 3, 2010

Criticism does not exclude Muslims from the political process

In an open letter titled “Criticism does not exclude Muslims from the political process,” a group of prominent […]
March 23, 2010

Baroness Deech: Risks of cousin marriage not discussed for fear of offending Muslims

Baroness Deech, Professor of Law at Gresham College in London, argues the risks of cousins marrying are not […]
March 14, 2010

Fears over non-Muslim’s use of Islamic law to resolve disputes

There are concerns in the UK over a growing number of non-Muslims using Islamic law to resolve legal […]
January 28, 2010

Forced marriage victims’ calls going unanswered

Calls for help from forced marriage victims are being ignored because the British Government has cut funding to […]
January 25, 2010

Single British Asian mums losing their ‘honour babies’

Some single British Asian women are being forced by their families to give up their children as so-called […]
January 17, 2010

West Midlands (UK) cops foil honour killings

Police have foiled more than 25 potential honour killings in the West Midlands in the last year, the […]
January 14, 2010

Website to tackle honour violence

Victims of forced marriage or honor violence can now turn to online counselors for help: a website, called […]
January 9, 2010

Social workers failing women facing forced marriage, says report

Almost half of the 86 females who were granted civil safeguards in cases of forced marriage over the […]
January 8, 2010

Social workers failing women facing forced marriage, says report

Children as young as nine have been rescued from forced marriages under new special protection orders in the […]
January 6, 2010

Protesters charged for anti-army display refuse to stand for judge

Seven Muslim protesters accused of screaming insults at soldiers during an Iraq homecoming parade refused to stand for […]
January 6, 2010

Cardinal says Christian Europe is to blame for Islamisation

Czech Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, the Archbishop of Prague, said Muslims were well placed to fill the spiritual void […]
December 22, 2009

Man urged son to rape cousin, 12

A man who encouraged his teenage son to marry and rape his 12-year-old cousin has been jailed: the […]
December 20, 2009

UK fails to halt female genital mutilation

Hundreds of British schoolgirls are facing the terrifying prospect of female genital mutilation (FGM) over the Christmas holidays […]
December 20, 2009

Shetty: Stop tiptoeing around ‘honour’ killings

In a column titled “Stop tiptoeing around ‘honour’ killings” published in the Guardian, Poorna Shetty writes: “While I’m […]
December 18, 2009

Honour killing: why did police send Tulay Goren home to die by her violent father?

Tulay Goren, the Muslim schoolgirl murdered by her father in an “honour killing” in the UK, repeatedly told […]