April 14, 2009

Taleban ‘kill love affair couple’

The Taleban in Afghanistan have publicly killed a young couple who they said had tried to run away […]
April 9, 2009

Push for women’s equality in Muslim family law

A new global movement has been set up to push for equality and justice for women in Muslim […]
April 7, 2009

Germany’s Merkel blasts Afghan marital law

German Chancellor Angela Merkel pressed Afghanistan’s president to review carefully a new law that critics say legalizes marital […]
March 29, 2009

Islamic Law’s Influence in America a Growing Concern

As America’s Muslim population grows, so too does the influence of Islamic law, or Shariah, in daily life […]
March 27, 2009

Afghan women hit by stones at rally against marital law

A group of some 1,000 Afghans swarmed a demonstration of 300 women protesting against a new conservative marriage […]
March 27, 2009

India: Rape Victim Converts to Islam to Marry Accused

An Indian rape victim has told a city court that she wants to marry her violator in order […]
March 15, 2009

Hannah Shah: “My imam father came after me with an axe”

Hannah Shah had been raped by her father and faced a forced marriage. She fled, became a Christian […]
October 25, 2008

Sharia rulings in UK ‘can go to courts’

Decisions made under Islamic sharia law can be accepted by English and Welsh family courts, a minister has […]
October 24, 2008

Radical Imam in Netherlands pleads for Polygamy

[Translated]: The controversial Imam Jneid Fawaz of the orthodox As-Shoennah Mosque in the Hague provides his followers advice […]