April 11, 2013

CNN profiles the survivor of a vicious “honor” attack in Afghanistan

CNN profiles the survivor of a vicious “honor” attack in Afghanistan. Read more here: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/04/04/world/asia/afghanistan-honor-killing-survivor/index.html
April 11, 2013

The Canadian federal government has unveiled a revamped guide to help immigrants settle in Canada — a document that, for the first time, informs newcomers about practices that “will not be tolerated in Canada,” including female genital mutilation, honour crimes and marriage fraud.

The Canadian federal government has unveiled a revamped guide to help immigrants settle in Canada — a document […]
April 5, 2013

Video and transcripts from the latest AHA Foundation conference on forced marriage and honor violence are now available.

Video and transcripts from the latest AHA Foundation conference on forced marriage and honor violence are now available. […]
March 19, 2013

In South Florida, a mother committed an act of “honor violence” towards her daughter by burning her with a hot knife because her daughter defied her parents’ wishes to marry her cousin.

In South Florida, a mother committed an act of “honor violence” towards her daughter by burning her with […]
March 5, 2013

A new “honor” killing in Lebanon has focused public attention on the issue.

A new “honor” killing in Lebanon has focused public attention on the issue. Link: http://www.theglobaldispatch.com/lebanese-man-murders-sister-as-honor-killing-for-getting-pregnant-police-later-report-he-raped-her-58558/
February 28, 2013

The New York Times reports on a Brooklyn woman’s forced marriage in Pakistan and the aftermath.

A Brooklyn woman was forced to marry a Pakistani man after being held captive by her relatives in […]
February 19, 2013

The BBC have cut a line from a play about “honor” killing in the Muslim community, causing a complaint from the playwright.

The BBC have cut a line from a play about “honor” killing in the Muslim community, causing a […]
January 7, 2013

Victims of “honor” violence are being let down by the Welsh justice system because police and prosecutors do not understand the “shame culture” in Muslim communities, an expert has claimed.

Victims of “honor” violence are being let down by the Welsh justice system because police and prosecutors do not […]
January 7, 2013

German police have arrested two suspects after a young woman of Turkish origin suffered serious burns in an acid attack in western Germany.

German police have arrested two suspects after a young woman of Turkish origin suffered serious burns in an […]
January 7, 2013

Swedish authorities are seeking the cooperation of the Kurdistan Regional Government to extradite suspects in “honor killing” cases to Sweden.

Swedish police are seeking the cooperation of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to hand over the father of […]
January 7, 2013

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is reneging on a promise to toughen “honor killing” laws, worrying women’s rights activists.

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has pivoted away from earlier promises to amend laws that offer leniency to men […]
January 7, 2013

Israeli police are under scrutiny for doing too little to combat “honor” killings.

The recent murder of a 16-year-old Israeli Arab girl by her brother for the sake of “family honor” […]
January 7, 2013

In an “honor” killing in Israel, a man killed his 16-year-old sister for living with a boyfriend.

An indictment has been filed with the Beersheba District Court against Ahman Alasam, 24, for killing his 16-year-old […]
January 7, 2013

An Afghan inmate has killed his wife during a prison visit in an “honor” killing.

An Afghan prisoner murdered his wife when she went to visit him, allegedly because she had been unfaithful […]
December 28, 2012

The AHA Foundation 2012 Annual Report

New York, NY December 2012 Dear AHA Foundation Supporter: We are pleased to present the AHA Foundation 2012 […]
December 8, 2012

Afghan police have arrested two men accused of beheading a teenage girl for rejecting a marriage proposal.

Afghan police have arrested two men accused of beheading a teenage girl for rejecting a marriage proposal. Link: […]
December 8, 2012

In Sweden, police are continuing an investigation involving a possible “honor” killing.

In Sweden, police are continuing an investigation involving a possible “honor” killing. Link: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2012/11/26/Honor-killing-alleged-in-Swedish-case/UPI-85271353937421/
December 7, 2012

Acid throwing remains a common way of revenge in Pakistan.

Honor killings and acid throwing remain a common way of revenge in Pakistan. “Acid throwing is an urban […]
December 7, 2012

With help, an Afghan survivor of an ‘honor killing’ inches back to life.

Gul Meena’s story, as best it can be pieced together from relatives, tribal elders and others, gives insight […]
December 4, 2012

Marching Orders: Empower Women to Forge Their Own Way

The AHA Foundation is proud to announce that our founder, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is one of the featured […]