June 2, 2009

Proposal to Outlaw forced marriages in Sweden

Nearly 70,000 young Swedes feel they aren’t able to freely choose whom they want to marry, according to […]
May 31, 2009

Ottawa man guilty in “honour” killings of sister, fiance

A “twisted sense of values” led an Ottawa, Canada man to murder his sister and the man she […]
May 27, 2009

Afghan women fight on

In the troubled east and south of Afghanistan, Taliban are burning girls’ schools and throwing acid in the […]
May 21, 2009

Number of Honor Killings in Europe Higher Than Thought

A report compiled by the Council of Europe warns that the killings of women by family members to […]
May 21, 2009

Mother sentenced to 3 years for forced marriages in UK

A Muslim woman who forced her teenage daughters to marry cousins in Pakistan was sentenced Thursday to three […]
May 19, 2009

Friend tried to warn couple prior to Ottawa ‘honour killings’

A friend tried to warn Khatera Sadiqi months before she and her fiance were shot in an Ottowa, […]
May 17, 2009

Women’s Rights Activist Named Afghanistan’s Person Of The Year

Radio Free Afghanistan has named Anarkali Honaryar, a 25-year-old dentist and women’s rights activist, as its Person of […]
May 16, 2009

Society “must act to prevent forced marriages”

British Member of Parliament Sayeeda Warsi has urged heightened vigilance against forced marriages and “honor” violence. via:[http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/2009/05/16/society-must-act-to-prevent-forced-marriages-91466-23635939/]
May 15, 2009

Canadian expert: Honour killings ‘act of purifying through blood’

Honour killings involve a cleansing of dishonor aimed at restoring a family’s respect after the so-called “misbehaviour” of […]
May 14, 2009

Turkish Appeals Court lenient on’honor killing’

Turkey’s top appeals court has upheld a lower court’s decision to be lenient on those who are found […]
May 12, 2009

Canada ‘honour killing’ trial hears details of shooting

Hasibullah Sadiqi, who faces two counts of first-degree murder, told a friend he got mad and lost control […]
April 17, 2009

Spanish court sentences mother in forced marriage case of daughter

A Spanish court has sentenced a Mauritanian to 17 years in prison after she allegedly forced her underage […]
April 14, 2009

France warns against forced marriages, mutilation

France launched a new campaign to warn potential victims of forced marriages and female genital mutilation on Tuesday, […]
April 14, 2009

‘Honour’ culture common in Stockholm

More than 4,000 teenagers in Stockholm are exposed on a daily basis to cultures of honour that involve […]
April 14, 2009

Taleban ‘kill love affair couple’

The Taleban in Afghanistan have publicly killed a young couple who they said had tried to run away […]
April 8, 2009

In Denmark, minority youths fear honour crime

The number of minority youths who seek help because of family threats has almost quadrupled since 2005. “Most […]
April 3, 2009

Germany: Brother admits to ‘honour killing’ of sister

Twenty-year-old Gulsum S. died after her brother strangled her with a clothes line and then bludgeoned her with […]
March 27, 2009

Afghan women hit by stones at rally against marital law

A group of some 1,000 Afghans swarmed a demonstration of 300 women protesting against a new conservative marriage […]
March 1, 2009

Analysis: Are Honor Killings Simply Domestic Violence?

Honor killings are distinct from wife battering and child abuse: analysis of more than fifty reported honor killings […]
December 6, 2008

Abu Ghanem women break silence over ‘honour killings’

The Abu Ghanem clan has lost another of its women, the ninth in eight years killed for supposedly […]