December 21, 2011

The AHA Foundation 2011 Annual Report

New York, New York December 2011 Dear AHA Supporter: We are pleased to present the AHA Foundation 2011 […]
December 20, 2011

A gruesome ‘honor’ attack in Pakistan has shocked even hardened observers

Tribal traditions and machismo served to turn the life of a woman living in Dorug, a tribal area […]
December 6, 2011

First ‘Honor Killing’ Trial in Belgium’s History Places Entire Family on Dock

In what is believed to be the first ‘honor killing’ trial in Belgian history, an entire family has […]
December 6, 2011

Sydney Man Convicted of Killing Mother’s Lover in “honor

A Sydney man accused of killing his mother’s lover in a bid to protect his family’s honor has […]
December 6, 2011

Teen told social worker of abuse, Canadian honour killing trial hears

In the year before their deaths, two teenage Montreal sisters told teachers and a youth protection worker that […]
December 6, 2011

NJ dad eyed in ‘honor’ killing

A twisted, sick sense of “honor” compelled a Jersey City man to have his daughter and son-in-law brutally […]
December 5, 2011

More than 2,800 so-called honour attacks in UK last year

More than 2,800 so-called honour attacks — punishments for bringing shame on the family — were recorded by […]
December 5, 2011

Britain: Muslim ‘Honor Crimes’ Skyrocketing

More than 2,800 so-called honor attacks — punishments for bringing shame on the family — were recorded by […]
December 5, 2011

Afghan woman’s choice: 12 years in jail or marry her rapist and risk death

Gulnaz’s plight has found international attention because of a dispute between the European Union and a team of […]
December 5, 2011

Victims of forced marriage in Scotland will benefit from greater protection with new legislation being introduced

Victims of forced marriage in Scotland will benefit from greater protection with new legislation being introduced: the legislation […]
November 16, 2011

A father accused of the “honour killings” of four family members – including his three teenage daughters – was recorded on police wiretaps saying he was “happy” they were dead and that he would “do the same again a hundred times”, a Canadian court has heard.

A father accused of the “honour killings” of four family members – including his three teenage daughters – […]
November 8, 2011

The documentary “Lost honour”, documenting the ‘honor’ killing of Hatun Surucu by her brother in Berlin in 2005, has won the Prix Europa for Best Current Affairs Programme of the Year 2011.

The documentary “Lost honour”, documenting the ‘honor’ killing of Hatun Surucu by her brother in Berlin in 2005, […]
November 8, 2011

In UK, Asian bride ‘drugged and held prisoner by her family after breaking off arranged marriage and secretly marrying another man’

In the UK, a young Asian bride was drugged and held prisoner by her family after she broke […]
November 8, 2011

In Turkey, “honor” killings claim new victims

The long history of “honor killing” against women and girls is well documented in the Middle East and […]
November 2, 2011

The Canadian ‘honor’ killing trial of Afghan-Canadian girls Zainab and Saharia Shafia has taken on even darker dimensions after their parents’ internet searches during the weeks preceding the murder for possible murder locations and body dumping grounds were revealed.

The Canadian ‘honor’ killing trial of Afghan-Canadian girls Zainab and Saharia Shafia has taken on even darker dimensions […]
November 2, 2011

In Canada’s National Post, Barbara Kay writes about the pathology of ‘honor’ violence, observing that to a person of authority in an honor culture, a life in prison may literally be perceived as a lower price to pay than feeling shamed in the group’s eyes.

In Canada’s National Post, Barbara Kay writes about the pathology of ‘honor’ violence, observing that to  a person […]
October 24, 2011

Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes that North American honor killings go beyond mere homicide.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes that North American “honor” killings go beyond mere homicide. Via:[]
October 19, 2011

The AHA Foundation’s Conference on Honor Violence & Forced Marriage

On June 6th, 2011, the AHA Foundation held the first ever conference on honor violence and forced marriage […]
September 9, 2011

Jordanian man kills widowed daughter in ‘honor’ killing after she gave birth to twins

A Jordanian man was charged on Sunday with killing his 24-year-old widowed daughter in hospital after she gave […]
September 9, 2011

In UK, Shafilea Ahmed parents charged over suspected ‘honour killing’

The parents of Shafilea Ahmed, the victim of a suspected “honour killing” almost eight years ago in Warrington, […]