January 3, 2011

Afghan women speak out on abuse from behind mask

In a CNN report, Afghan women speak out on abuse from behind mask. via:[http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/01/03/afghanistan.mask/?hpt=C1]
October 27, 2010

German government to criminalise forced marriages

The German government agreed Wednesday to make forced marriages a specific, punishable criminal offence, punishable by up to […]
October 25, 2010

Charity is planning a campaign to help professionals to spot people at risk

A charity supporting victims of forced marriage and “honour-related” violence is planning a campaign in Bradford to help […]
October 13, 2010

Capital’s hidden numbers of forced marriage victims

Dozens of women in Edinburgh could be secret victims of forced marriages every year, it emerged today; the […]
October 10, 2010

Konnie Huq: my family wanted me to marry a Muslim

Konnie Huq, the British former Blue Peter presenter, has admitted that her father hoped she would marry a […]
September 18, 2010

Call to prosecute the husbands who knowingly wed forced-marriage girls

Men who marry women forced into wedlock by her parents should be criminalised, a prominent Scottish lawyer has […]
September 15, 2010

Child bride rescued

A 14-year-old Melbourne girl has been saved from an arranged marriage by a court’s ban on her leaving […]
July 5, 2010

Six Gothenburg Youths in Forced Marriages

Last year, at least six youths from the Gothenburg (Sweden) area were forced into marriage against their will, […]
July 1, 2010

Government offers help after huge rise in men forced into unwanted marriages

Greater vigilance has been urged about British men being forced into marriage after a surge in reported cases […]
June 30, 2010

Specialist unit reports more male forced marriages

Men accounted for 14% of the total number of forced marriage cases in the UK last year, numbering […]
June 28, 2010

Saudi Arabia Moves to Regulate Child Marriages

While Saudi-Arabia’s government is believed to support curbing the practice of child marriages, King Abdullah’s regime has yet […]
June 17, 2010

Police plea for victims to use honour-based crimes hotline

Detectives have carried out almost 100 investigations into “honour-based” violence and forced marriages in Peterborough (United Kingdom) thanks […]
June 13, 2010

Police om Birmingham and West Yorkshire (England) fail to respond to forced marriages campaign

Two police forces with some of the Great Britain’s largest Asian populations are ignoring appeals to participate in […]
June 11, 2010

German teachers to get guidelines on forced marriage

German teachers are to get guidelines on handling with pupils the issue of forced marriages, the government said […]
June 7, 2010

New online tool helps legal professionals assist victims of forced marriage

The British Government’s Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) has launched an online resource to help legal professionals working with […]
June 3, 2010

Police save Sydney girl from forced marriage

A 17-year-old Sydney girl has saved herself from being forced to go to Lebanon for an arranged marriage […]
May 21, 2010

Family strife blamed for high suicide rate among Turkish women

While a nationwide study has yet to be undertaken, regional data from Cologne and Frankfurt shows that young […]
May 21, 2010

Sweden launches inquiry into forced marriage

The Swedish government has announced the launch of an inquiry aimed at tightening legislation banning forced and child […]
May 13, 2010

Roadshow warning over forced marriages to start

The first UK roadshow aiming to stop South Asian youngsters being forced into marriages abroad is due to […]
April 30, 2010

Police save 15-year-old girl from forced marriage

German police saved a 15-year-old Hamburg girl from a forced marriage this week, freeing her from the family […]