April 11, 2011

Ethiopian village fights against female circumcision

In the rural village of Senbata Lencho in southern Ethiopia people are fighting the obstinate local tradition of […]
April 6, 2011

Kenyan parliament to debate female genital mutilation bill

The Kenyan parliament is set to debate a proposed bill outlawing female genital mutilation in the African nation: […]
March 30, 2011

Female circumcision prevention post abolished by government

The British government has abolished the only Whitehall post devoted to work preventing women and girls from the […]
March 18, 2011

Goldstein: Why it’s barbaric

In the Toronto Sun, Lorrie Goldstein writes: “the only reason I can think of that Liberal MP Justin […]
February 24, 2011

Support to tackle female genital mutilation

In the UK, New guidelines will help frontline professionals such as nurses, doctors, teachers and social workers identify […]
January 18, 2011

Female Genital Mutilation Banned by Islamic Leaders in Mauritania

This week, 34 well-regarded Mauritanian religious and national leaders signed a fatwa, or Islamic law, banning female genital […]
January 18, 2011

27 Fula communities abandon FGM, early and forced marriage

In predominantly Muslim Gambia, thousands of people converged Sara Alpha village in Tumana District Upper River Region to […]
January 3, 2011

Facts about female genital mutilation

The Vancouver Sun has published a list of facts about female genital mutilation. via:[http://www.vancouversun.com/health/Facts+about+female+genital+mutilation/4078467/story.html]
December 27, 2010

In Kenya, Female circumcision still eludes the law

In Kenya, female genital mutilation still eludes the law. via:[http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/InsidePage.php?id=2000025564&cid=4]
December 21, 2010

Female genital mutilation ‘will be punishable offence in Switzerland’

Female genital mutilation (FGM) has been made a punishable offence in Switzerland: the Swiss parliament voted last week […]
December 15, 2010

Fighting FGM requires more than just legislation

In Uganda, one journalist writes that “The fight against female genital mutilation using the law seems to be […]
November 4, 2010

FGM Bill due shortly

The text of the new Irish Criminal Justice Female Genital Mutilation Bill is being finalised, the Minister for […]
November 2, 2010

Agony for girls as culture of silence fuels outdated ‘cut’

A conspiracy of silence and traditional beliefs continue to fuel the circumcision of girls – some of them […]
September 2, 2010

INDONESIA: Female genital mutilation persists despite ban

Though the Indonesian government banned female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) four years ago, experts say religious support for the […]
September 2, 2010

Female circumcision in Egypt still widespread

A doctor in Egypt is being taken to court for carrying out an illegal operation to circumcise young […]
August 24, 2010

‘Rise in female genital mutilation’ in London

The number of cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) reported in London has risen and some procedures are […]
August 10, 2010

Female circumcision victims seek out Colo. doctor

In Trinidad, Colorado, doctor Marci Bowers has performed about two dozen reconstructive surgeries on mostly African born women […]
July 27, 2010

Myers: How does UK reconcile these 2 facts?

PZ Myers asks why there have been no prosecutions for FGM in the UK since 2003. via:[http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2010/07/hey_uk_how_do_you_reconcile_th.php]
July 26, 2010

British girls undergo horror of genital mutilation despite tough laws

Despite tough British laws banning the practice, some 500 to 2,000 British schoolgirls will be genitally mutilated over […]
July 5, 2010

Shocking statistics in Kurdistan on “female genital mutilation”

Women in Kurdistan face shockingly high rates of female genital mutilation: unspoken by society and unquestioned by victims, […]