September 28, 2011

Ugandan government asked to implement anti-FGM act

Former members of Parliament in Uganda have asked the government to implement the anti-FGM Act to stop the […]
September 28, 2011

Indonesia’s government has taken a step backwards on combating and preventing female genital mutilation.

Indonesia’s government has taken a step backwards on combating and preventing female genital mutilation. Indonesian media report that […]
September 16, 2011

Australia Sees Rising Demand for Female Genital Mutilation

A recent article in the Australian Medical Journal by Ben Mathews, LLB, PhD, calls for increased protection of […]
September 16, 2011

Kenyan First Lady calls for strict enforcement of anti-FGM law

The Kenyan First Lady, Lucy Kibaki, has called on law enforcers to ensure that the law on Female […]
September 9, 2011

Kenya makes FGM illegal

Kenya has become the latest African country to ban female genital mutilation, with the passing of a law […]
September 9, 2011

Fears Rise that Indonesian FGM Guidelines Could Increase Practice

Guidelines on how to perform female genital mutilation/cutting issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Health could cause an […]
August 31, 2011

A group of teachers and students from Alliance Girls High School and Dartmouth University in the United States have launched an anti-Female Genital Mutilation campaign in Marakwet district, Kenya

A group of teachers and students from Alliance Girls High School and Dartmouth University in the United States […]
August 31, 2011

Near the slopes of Mount Elgon, Uganda, many parents continue to have their daughters undergo female genital mutilation, even as human rights campaigners push for a stop to the practice.

Near the slopes of Mount Elgon, Uganda, many parents continue to have their daughters undergo female genital mutilation. […]
August 17, 2011

Men ‘must help stop female genital mutilation’, says British detective

Detective Dave McCallum, who leads the public protection unit of Avon and Somerset Police, said men from communities […]
August 17, 2011

In Portugal, female genital mutilation “very present” in largely poor and immigrant communities

While terming the subject taboo, a group working with Guinean immigrants says female genital mutilation (FGM) exists among […]
July 25, 2011

FGM can’t be dealt with by educating the community alone

Efua Dorkenoo writes: FGM occurs for several reasons, but the main reason is to control girls’ sexuality. This […]
July 25, 2011

6,000 girls at risk of FGM in UK

Some 6,000 girls in London every year are taken abroad and subjected to genital mutilation. Via:[]
July 25, 2011

Britain continues crackdown on female genital mutilation

Prosecutors across the UK have been sent new guidelines to assist in the prosecution of those who try […]
July 20, 2011

Proposed Ireland law would impose jail time for female genital mutilation

The Irish government has proposed a law designed to prevent female genital mutilation. Introducing the Bill, Health Minister […]
July 4, 2011

UK girls at risk of mutilation abroad

Thousands of British schoolgirls as young as eight face being taken abroad this summer to have their genitals […]
June 21, 2011

Reformed practitioners of Female Genital Mutilation receive aid

In Uganda, at least 254 former “practitioners” of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Sebei have received grinding machines […]
June 16, 2011

Specialist raising issue of female circumcision

The practice of FGM might seem a distant problem, taking place as it does mainly in African countries, […]
June 11, 2011

Genital mutilation to be outlawed

The Swiss Senate unanimously agreed to ask the government to prepare an amendment to the criminal law to […]
May 28, 2011

School provides refuge from FGM

In Kenya, Charity Firm World Vision has opened a girl’s secondary school in Marich Pas, in West Pokot, […]
April 25, 2011

After School in Brooklyn, West African Girls Share Memories of a Painful Ritual

In a high school classroom in Brooklyn with walls adorned with algebra problems, a 15-year-old girl born in […]