January 7, 2013

In Tanzania, grandmothers are taking the lead against FGM.

In Tanzania, grandmothers are taking the lead against FGM. Link: http://www.dailynews.co.tz/index.php/features/popular-features/13291-when-grandmothers-take-the-lead-against-fgm
December 28, 2012

The AHA Foundation 2012 Annual Report

New York, NY December 2012 Dear AHA Foundation Supporter: We are pleased to present the AHA Foundation 2012 […]
December 8, 2012

Some 10,700 women and girls are affected by female genital mutilation (FGM) in Switzerland, according to Unicef Switzerland, based on a survey of medical professionals and social workers.

Some 10,700 women and girls are affected by female genital mutilation (FGM) in Switzerland, according to Unicef Switzerland, […]
December 7, 2012

Despite being legally banned, female genital mutilation in Egypt is on the rise, with Islamists pushing to legalize the procedure again.

Despite being legally banned, female genital mutilation in Egypt is on the rise, causing lifelong pains, health problems […]
December 7, 2012

Britain has launched an initiative dubbed a “health passport” that is designed to reduce the number of girls subjected to horrific genital mutilations while visiting family overseas.

Britain has launched an initiative dubbed a “health passport” that is designed to reduce the number of girls […]
December 7, 2012

Debate is raging in Malaysia over Muslim female genital mutilation as the country’s health ministry reportedly develops guidelines to reclassify it as a medical practice.

Debate is raging in Malaysia over Muslim female genital mutilation as the country’s health ministry reportedly develops guidelines […]
December 4, 2012

Marching Orders: Empower Women to Forge Their Own Way

The AHA Foundation is proud to announce that our founder, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is one of the featured […]
November 20, 2012

Shahira Amin writes about the battle against female genital mutilation.

Shahira Amin writes about the battle against female genital mutilation. Link: http://dailynewsegypt.com/2012/11/15/the-battle-against-female-genital-mutilation/
November 20, 2012

In the UK, journalist Felicity Gerry calls for prosecuting those who commit female genital mutilation.

In the UK, journalist Felicity Gerry calls for prosecuting those who commit female genital mutilation. Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/law/2012/nov/13/female-genital-mutilation-prosection-uk
November 20, 2012

A new Maasai rite of passage aims to reduce the prevalence of female genital mutilation.

A new Maasai rite of passage aims to reduce the prevalence of female genital mutilation in Kenya. Via: […]
November 20, 2012

Britain’s Chief Prosecutor seeks to bring prosecutions for perpetrators of female genital mutilation

In Britain, some 24,000 girls could be at risk of female genital mutilation, and although Britain criminalized FGM […]
November 20, 2012

In Egypt after the revolution, some fear more tolerance of female genital mutilation.

In Egypt after the revolution, some fear more tolerance of female genital mutilation. About 95% of Egyptian women […]
November 20, 2012

Investigative journalist Abigail Haworth reports on FGM in Indonesia, a shockingly prevalent phenomenon.

Investigative journalist Abigail Haworth reports on FGM in Indonesia, a shockingly prevalent phenomenon. Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/nov/18/female-genital-mutilation-circumcision-indonesia
October 9, 2012

Urologist Dr. Pierre Foldes argues that female genital mutilation is practiced by many men as a means of controlling women.

Urologist Dr. Pierre Foldes argues that female genital mutilation is practiced by many men as a means of […]
October 9, 2012

In Sydney, Australia, a grandmother and three other female relatives of two sisters have been charged over the female genital mutilation of the girls.

In Sydney, Australia, a grandmother and three other female relatives of two sisters have been charged over the […]
October 9, 2012

In Sydney, a couple are being charged with performing FGM on their 2 daughters.

In Sydney, a couple are being charged with performing FGM on their 2 daughters. The couple, ages 42 […]
September 5, 2012

Somali bans FGM in new constitution, but activists warn translating the law into action will be difficult.

Activists have welcomed a ban on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the new constitution of Somalia – a […]
September 5, 2012

In Sweden, a man and a woman have been remanded into custody by Attunda district court in Sollentuna on suspicion of having subjected their daughter to female genital mutilation (FGM).

In Sweden, a man and a woman have been remanded into custody by Attunda district court in Sollentuna […]
September 5, 2012

The BBC provides an in-depth report on female genital mutilation in the UK.

The BBC provides an in-depth report on female genital mutilation in the UK. Watch it here.
July 24, 2012

Female genital mutilation remains a big problem in the United Kingdom

Young girls are being sent to Britain for the abusive removal of their genitalia by migrant families across […]