February 10, 2015

Shelter in Tanzania Protects Girls from FGM

Increasing numbers of girls in Tanzania, specifically in the Tarime region, where FGM is most prevalent, are running […]
February 6, 2015

Men Denounce FGM after Watching Documentary

After watching a documentary on FGM, a group of men break out in tears and vehemently denounce the […]
December 17, 2014

A Look Back at 2014, New FGM Legislation in Massachusetts, Our Executive Director Testifies Before the Canadian Senate and More

Dear AHA Foundation Supporter, As the end of the year approaches, I recall the Foundation’s beginnings – five […]
November 7, 2014

Matching Gift Campaign, FGM in the US and Abroad, A Day in the Life of our Executive Director and More

Dear AHA Foundation Supporter, Today, I’m thrilled to be able to share with you some exciting news at […]
July 23, 2014

The US Department of Health and Human Services will undertake a major study on female genital mutilation (FGM), confirmed Cathy Russell, the US ambassador for global women’s issues. This was the result of an effort spearheaded by FGM activist Jaha Dukureh.

The US Department of Health and Human Services will undertake a major study on female genital mutilation (FGM), […]
June 10, 2014

Summertime in the US means “vacation cutting” season is upon us. Immigrants who come to the US from countries that practice female genital mutilation (FGM) sometimes send their daughters back to their countries of origin to have them undergo the procedure.

Summertime in the US means “vacation cutting” season is upon us. Immigrants who come to the US from […]
April 3, 2014

The Washington Post reports on British lawmakers’ efforts to combat female genital mutilation (FGM).

The Washington Post reports on British lawmakers’ efforts to combat female genital mutilation (FGM). Read more here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/immigration-forcing-british-lawmakers-to-confront-female-genital-mutilation/2014/04/01/24cf25e1-8001-4c80-b277-5f5c6f10cdfa_story.html
April 3, 2014

An extensive awareness campaign on female genital mutilation (FGM) and violence against women will be rolled out in the borough of Brent (UK), the result of a landmark report looking into the issues which was spearheaded by Councillor Ann John.

An extensive awareness campaign on female genital mutilation (FGM) and violence against women will be rolled out in […]
April 3, 2014

The city council of Slough (UK) has vowed to combat female genital mutilation after the town was named as one of four areas by the NHS as ‘high-risk’ for the illegal practice.

The city council of Slough (UK) has vowed to combat female genital mutilation after the town was named […]
April 1, 2014

Breakthrough: The UK Prosecutes Its First FGM Cases

Thirty years after first banning the practice, the UK announced last month that it will prosecute its first […]
March 21, 2014

Nearly 4,000 women and girls have been treated for female genital mutilation (FGM) in London’s hospitals since 2009, according to new figures, the BBC reports.

Nearly 4,000 women and girls have been treated for female genital mutilation (FGM) in London’s hospitals since 2009, […]
March 21, 2014

In the United Kingdom, the first prosecutions over female genital mutilation have been announced by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

In the United Kingdom, the first prosecutions over female genital mutilation have been announced by the Crown Prosecution […]
March 10, 2014

Katharine Whitehorn analyzes what men can do to stop Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Katharine Whitehorn analyzes what men can do to stop Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Read more here: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/mar/03/men-and-female-genital-mutilation
March 3, 2014

Human rights workers are campaigning in Somaliland to end female genital mutilation (FGM), but the custom is proving difficult to eliminate.

Human rights workers are campaigning in Somaliland to end female genital mutilation (FGM), but the custom is proving […]
February 25, 2014

In meeting with British Education Secretary Michael Gove, human rights activist Fahma Mohamed expresses her hope that British schools will do more to combat female genital mutilation (FGM).

In meeting with British Education Secretary Michael Gove, human rights activist Fahma Mohamed expresses her hope that British […]
February 25, 2014

The Police Commissioner of Bolton (UK) is backing a campaign to teach children in schools about the risks of female genital mutilation.

The Police Commissioner of Bolton (UK) is backing a campaign to teach children in schools about the risks […]
February 24, 2014

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl who has spearheaded the campaign for universal education for children, has backed a campaign led by the 17-year-old British student Fahma Mohamed to get education about female genital mutilation into all schools in the UK.

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl who has spearheaded the campaign for universal education for children, has backed a […]
February 24, 2014

Daniel Howden reports that female genital mutilation is proving to be an extremely difficult practice to eradicate in Kenya.

Daniel Howden reports that female genital mutilation is proving to be an extremely difficult practice to eradicate in […]
February 24, 2014

It is a ritual supposed to keep women “pure”, but an increased understanding of the severe health risks of extreme forms of female genital mutilation appears to be slowly rolling back its prevalence in Somalia’s northwest.

It is a ritual supposed to keep women “pure”, but an increased understanding of the severe health risks […]
February 11, 2014

An overview of the AHA Foundation’s third annual conference on honor violence, forced marriage, and female genital mutilation (FGM) in New York City is now available online.

An overview of the AHA Foundation’s third annual conference on honor violence, forced marriage, and female genital mutilation […]