April 28, 2017

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Female genital mutilation and what we’re really talking about beneath the weasel words ‘genital cutting’

Originally published by Fox News: 28 April, 2017 The recent news that a grand jury in Michigan has […]
April 26, 2017

Activist finds silence on genital mutilation case depressing, predictable

Imagine what the American left would do if conservative Republican Christians engaged in a barbaric practice to mutilate […]
April 25, 2017

Finally, FGM Is on Trial in America – An Oped by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Originally published by the Daily Beast: 7:00AM 25 April, 2017 Thursday, the pre-trial hearing of Dr. Jumana Nagarwala […]
April 20, 2017

Michigan Doctor Is Accused of Genital Cutting of 2 Girls

A Michigan doctor has been accused of performing genital cutting on two 7-year-old girls at a medical clinic, […]
April 20, 2017

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Culture ‘Never An Excuse’ To Harm Girls With Genital Mutilation

AHA Foundation Founder Ayaan Hirsi Ali was featured on Tucker Carlson reacting to a Detroit surgeon who is […]
April 5, 2017

Genital mutilation also occurs in the US, activists call on states to make it illegal

Every day, an estimated 8,000 girls worldwide are cut and marred in a debilitating process known as female […]
March 13, 2017

3 Photographs That Tell The Whole Truth About Female Genital Mutilation (NSFW)

Elisabeth Ubbe was a young nursing student at a Swedish hospital back in the ‘90s when a doctor […]
January 14, 2016

Increase in Women at Risk of FGM in the United States

According to a recently released government study, more than a half a million girls are at risk of […]
June 17, 2015

New York State Legislation on FGM

New York State Assembly Member Amy Paulin passed legislation through the New York State Assembly and Senate regarding […]
May 20, 2015

Vacation Cutting: An Illegal Practice Still Running Rampant

Summer is the season of vacation cutting. Many girls living in the US will be taken to countries […]
April 1, 2014

Breakthrough: The UK Prosecutes Its First FGM Cases

Thirty years after first banning the practice, the UK announced last month that it will prosecute its first […]