July 8, 2009

French lawmaker suggests gradual ban on burqas

French legislators took up the touchy subject of face-covering, body-length Muslim veils such as the burqa Wednesday, as […]
July 8, 2009

Western Muslim women who talk of choosing the hijab dismiss the struggles elsewhere, says Rahila Gupta

Muslim women in the west who talk about choosing to wear the hijab implicitly dismiss the struggles of […]
July 8, 2009

Response: We don’t need Hegel: The burka is a cloth soaked in blood

Muslim women in the west who talk about choosing to wear the hijab implicitly dismiss the struggles of […]
July 2, 2009

Ban the Burqa

US-based commentator Mona Eltahawy writes: “As a Muslim woman and a feminist I would ban the burqa.” via:[http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/03/opinion/03iht-edeltahawy.html]
June 30, 2009

Al-Qaeda warns France of revenge for burka stance

Al-Qaeda’s North Africa wing threatened on Tuesday to take revenge on France for its opposition to the burka, […]
June 30, 2009

Cameron criticizes Burkhas

British Conservative leader David Cameron has said that while he supports the right of individual schools to ban […]
June 28, 2009

Role of Women In Iran Protest Kindles Hope

Over the past two weeks, Marcelle George has watched with amazement as legions of Iranian women, most wearing […]
June 25, 2009

Why I, as a British Muslim woman, want the burkha banned from our streets

Behind the closed doors of some Muslim houses in the UK, countless young women are told to wear […]
June 25, 2009

Woman power in Iran

Iranian women have played a prominent role in the protests against the government. via:[http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3737144,00.html]
June 25, 2009

Fitness center for Muslim women opens in Moscow

A new fitness center has opened in Moscow for Muslim women: all trainers, administrator and security guard are […]
June 23, 2009

In battle of the burqa, Obama and Sarkozy differ

In the battle of the burqa, the presidents from two international defenders of freedom, France and America, are […]
June 22, 2009

Sarkozy says burqas are ‘not welcome’ in France

President Nicolas Sarkozy lashed out Monday at the practice of wearing the Muslim burqa, insisting the full-body religious […]
June 19, 2009

France Moves to Impose Ban on Burqa

The French government says it may impose restrictions on wearing the burqa, or face-and-body-covering veil, if a parliamentary […]
June 17, 2009

Michigan judges get discretion after Muslim veil flap

The Michigan Supreme Court on Wednesday voted to give judges considerable discretion over how witnesses dress in court […]
June 17, 2009

French legislators worried about rise of burqa use

French legislators said on Wednesday that more and more Muslim women in France were wearing full burqas that […]
June 17, 2009

Finland’s ombudsman allows separate swimming times for Muslim women

Reserving a separate time at swimming pools for Muslim women does not constitute discrimination, Finland’s deputy parliamentary ombudsman […]
June 6, 2009

Feminists criticize Obama over veil

Several international feminist organizations have criticized President Obama’s recent statement on the veil: France’s group “Ni Putes ni […]
May 26, 2009

‘If We Now Kill Schoolgirls, You Shouldn’t Be Surprised’

Responding to threats from the Taliban, at least 10 girls’ schools have shut down near Kunduz in northern […]
May 22, 2009

Allow hijabs, ban prayers at council meetings: report

A report written on immigrants in Quebec, Canada recommends that hijabs be permitted in council meetings in order […]
May 21, 2009

“Headscarf” dentist case is adjourned

A British dentist who asked women to wear Islamic headscarves must wait until July to discover if he […]