September 28, 2011

British reporter investigates how Muslim men in polygamous marriages can exploit the government benefits system in the UK: political leaders call for reforms

Reporter Sue Reid, assisted by Pakistani-born Baroness Flather, investigates how Muslim men in polygamous marriages can exploit the […]
September 28, 2011

Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks was the target of a planned attack in Gothenburg earlier this month, according to reports.

Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, who has received death threats for drawing cartoons of the Propher Mohammed, was the […]
September 28, 2011

A growing number of young British Muslims are taking second or third wives in an unexpected revival of polygamy

A growing number of young British Muslims are taking second or third wives in an unexpected revival of […]
September 28, 2011

Women in the World Foundation launched in New York

At The Newsweek/Daily Beast Co.’s Women in the World Foundation kickoff gala in Manhattan, courageous leaders and activists […]
September 28, 2011

In Egypt, women sidelined post-revolution

In Egypt, women are being sidelined from post-Mubarak politics: their names ignored for government posts, and their divorce […]
September 28, 2011

In Pakistan, gruesome rape and kidnapping of woman

In Sialkot, Pakistan, a woman who was abducted and gang raped for the second time by four armed […]
September 28, 2011

Afghan women fight back, preserve shelters

In Afghanistan, women’s groups are claiming a rare victory. Last winter, the government was planning to bring battered […]
September 16, 2011

A Yale Professor writes not to fear Islamic law in America, but the AHA Foundation disagrees: the provisions of Sharia are incompatible with modern Western individual rights, particularly the equal rights of women

A Yale Professor writes not to fear Islamic law in America, but the AHA Foundation disagrees. Via:[]
September 16, 2011

Australia Sees Rising Demand for Female Genital Mutilation

A recent article in the Australian Medical Journal by Ben Mathews, LLB, PhD, calls for increased protection of […]
September 16, 2011

Disappointment in UK as government not planning to criminalize forced marriage

Campaigners in Lancashire, the UK, have slammed news that the Government is not planning to criminalise forced marriage. […]
September 16, 2011

Islamists’ growing sway raises questions for Libya

The growing influence of Islamists in Libya raises hard questions about the ultimate character of the government and […]
September 9, 2011

Fears Rise that Indonesian FGM Guidelines Could Increase Practice

Guidelines on how to perform female genital mutilation/cutting issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Health could cause an […]
September 9, 2011

New book finds spread of Islamic Sharia law in Germany more advanced than previously thought

The spread of Islamic Sharia law in Germany is far more advanced than previously thought, and German authorities […]
August 31, 2011

In Turkey, a mysterious spade of suicides raises the spectre of ‘honor’ killings.

Turkish suicides raise question of honor killings. Among concerns are that the increase in young women committing suicide […]
August 31, 2011

The Bristol area (UK) has seen a “significant rise” in forced marriages of both women and men over the past 5 years, with police saying only “the tip of the iceberg” is known and the scale of the problem is “not fully recognized”.

The Bristol area (UK) has seen a “significant rise” in forced marriages over the past 5 years, with […]
August 31, 2011

Egypt’s state-produced, largest-circulation newspaper claims concerns about Shariah law are overblown, but in reality everyone should be concerned about possible implementation of Sharia law in Egypt.

Egypt’s state-produced, largest-circulation newspaper claims concerns about Shariah law are overblown. In reality everyone should be concerned about […]
August 31, 2011

In Egypt, Islamists threaten to roll back legal gains for women.

In Egypt, Islamists threaten to roll back legal gains for women. Via:[]
August 31, 2011

A 14-year-old girl in Western Uganda is still unable to walk 10 months after her father tortured her for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity.

A 14-year-old girl in Western Uganda is still unable to walk 10 months after her father tortured her […]
August 31, 2011

Zuhdi Jasser writes that America’s armed forces “are becoming ground zero for American Muslims in the ideological struggle between Americanism and Islamism”.

Zuhdi Jasser writes that America’s armed forces “are becoming ground zero for American Muslims in the ideological struggle […]
August 17, 2011

In Portugal, female genital mutilation “very present” in largely poor and immigrant communities

While terming the subject taboo, a group working with Guinean immigrants says female genital mutilation (FGM) exists among […]