March 8, 2012

Spanish Imam under investigation for calls to beat wives

Abdeslam Laarusi, an imam at the Badr mosque in Terrassa near Barcelona allegedly issued instructions during Friday prayers […]
March 8, 2012

The hidden lives of child widows

Child widows, some less than ten years old, face bleak futures as they bear the triple disadvantage of […]
February 27, 2012

Senate Report: Internet radicalizes U.S. Muslims quickly

Young American Muslims can become radicalized online very quickly and with few warning signs, becoming potential terrorists before […]
February 23, 2012

We’ve been introduced to a great new website and activist in the fight against honor violence and forced marriage. Please take a moment to check out HBVA:

We’ve been introduced to a great new website and activist in the fight against honor violence and forced […]
February 17, 2012

Iraqi mother in Phoenix assaults 19-year-old daughter after daughter refuses arranged marriage to a man twice her age

A Phoenix mother has been arrested over allegations that she scorched her 19-year-old daughter with a hot spoon to […]
February 8, 2012

Ayaan urges policymakers to banish wishful thinking about Islamism

Ayaan urges policymakers to banish wishful thinking about Islamism. In a contribution to the Financial Times, she writes: […]
February 7, 2012

In Newsweek, Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes that from one end of the Muslim world to the other, Christians are being murdered for their faith.

In Newsweek, Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes that from one end of the Muslim world to the other, Christians […]
January 31, 2012

Ayaan writes about how to honour the victims of ‘honour’ killings

The verdict in the Shafia case exemplifies the ability of Western legal systems to provide justice to victims […]
January 31, 2012

Tunisia blasphemy trial becomes battleground for freedom of expression

In Tunisia, a blasphemy trial has become a battleground for freedom of expression vs. Islam. Via:[]
January 31, 2012

Fearing Taliban talks, Afghan women keep pushing to have voices heard

In Afghanistan, many Afghan women fear their newfound rights could be jeopardized. Via:[]
January 27, 2012

Accused in Shafia “honor” killings in Canada saw deceased as ‘diseased limb’

Three Montrealers accused of drowning four Shafia family members in a Kingston, Ontario “honor” killing viewed the deceased […]
January 16, 2012

Our German friend Sabatina James has launched a new website:

Our German friend Sabatina James has launched a new website: Via:[]
January 16, 2012

Human Trafficking and Forced Marriage Are Closely Related Evils

Human trafficking and forced marriage are closely related evils. Via:[]
January 16, 2012

Egypt’s women find power still hinges on men

Egyptian women confront patriarchy. Via:[]
January 16, 2012

Video of the AHA Foundation “honor” violence conference now available

Videos of the AHA Foundation conference on “honor” violence and forced marriage are now available here. Via:[]
January 15, 2012

Shocking gay “honor” killing in Turkey inspires movie

A shocking gay “honor” killing in Turkey has inspired a movie, “Zenne”, which has opened in theaters across […]
January 9, 2012

Baby must be adopted to prevent honour killing, British Court of Appeals rules

A baby at risk of becoming the victim of an ”honour killing” because she was born as the […]
January 9, 2012

Campaign to eliminate FGM gains momentum in Gambia

The Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices affecting the health of Women and Children (GAMCOTRAP) has recently completed a […]
January 9, 2012

Activists fear converging interests of military, Islamists as Egypt holds last election round

In Egypt, secular activists grow increasingly worried over the possibility of an alliance between the powerful Muslim Brotherhood […]
December 31, 2011

Shafia ‘honor’ killings raise questions in Canada

The ‘honor’ killing of the Shafia daughters has brought the issue of ‘honor’ violence to the forefront of […]