June 4, 2012

Pakistani British girl may have been killed by parents ‘for dating boys’

A Muslim teenager was murdered by her parents because she refused to let them “crush her will” and […]
June 4, 2012

In a critique of moral relativism, British commentator James Bloodworth writes that “A bikini is not the same as a niqab”.

In a critique of moral relativism, British commentator James Bloodworth writes that “A bikini is not the same […]
June 4, 2012

Six out of ten mosques in Sweden gave women advice about how to deal with spousal abuse and polygamy that contradicted Swedish law, a media investigation has revealed.

Six out of ten mosques in Sweden gave women advice about how to deal with spousal abuse and […]
June 4, 2012

Phyllis Chesler appeals to US authorities to do more in Texas “honor” killing case of Sarah and Aminah Said

Phyllis Chesler writes: European law enforcement is far more evolved [than U.S. law enforcement] in terms of how […]
May 8, 2012

Women attacked with acid in Yemen for not wearing full niqab

Disturbing reports of acid attacks and beatings of women are now coming from Yemen’ southern provinces as women […]
May 8, 2012

Health workers in Australia are calling for greater education about the practice of female genital mutilation as they increasingly treat women living with the procedure.

Health workers in Australia are calling for greater education about the practice of female genital mutilation as they […]
May 8, 2012

UPI’s James Zumwalt writes that women’s rights may well disappear under the new Egyptian Constitution.

James Zumwalt writes that with women holding less than 2 percent of parliamentary seats based on the recent […]
May 8, 2012

In Egypt’s Presidential race, the battle is joined on Islam’s role.

In Egypt’s Presidential race, the battle is joined on Islam’s role. The winner could set the course for […]
May 8, 2012

For prominent female Muslim Brotherhood member Azza al-Garf, adhering to a strict interpretation of Islam is the right thing for everyone.

For prominent female Muslim Brotherhood member Azza al-Garf, adhering to a strict interpretation of Islam is the right thing for […]
May 8, 2012

Egyptian-American writer Mona Elthawy writes that women have not yet benefited from the revolution and the women’s revolution won’t begin “until the rage shifts from the oppressors in our presidential palaces to the oppressors on our streets and in our homes.”

Eltahawy writes that women have not yet benefited from the revolution and the women’s revolution won’t begin “until […]
May 8, 2012

Zvi Bar’el writes that for Egypt’s women, the Arab Spring does not spell freedom

Zvi Bar’el writes that for Egypt’s women, the Arab Spring does not spell freedom. Via:[http://www.haaretz.com/news/features/for-egypt-s-women-the-arab-spring-does-not-spell-freedom-1.424962]
April 23, 2012

“When Egyptian women are subjected to humiliating “virginity tests” merely for speaking out, it’s no time for silence,” writes Mona Elthawy in Foreign Policy Magazine.

“When Egyptian women are subjected to humiliating “virginity tests” merely for speaking out, it’s no time for silence,” […]
April 18, 2012

In Afghanistan, a water tank poisoning illustrates the risks women face in pursuing an education.

Educating girls is such an important step in empowering them. We’re saddened to hear about the dangers girls […]
April 16, 2012

Westerners are leaving atheists and Christians bereft in the ”Arab winter”, human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali says.

Westerners are leaving atheists and Christians bereft in the ”Arab winter”, human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali says. […]
April 4, 2012

In an interview with Canada’s Globe and Post, Ayaan discusses freedom of expression and religious freedom.

In an interview with Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper, Ayaan discusses freedom of expression and religious freedom. Via:[http://ahafoundation.visibli.com/share/GreKX7]
April 3, 2012

Saving Face, a new documentary, chronicles the lives of acid-attack survivors Zakia and Rukhsana in Pakistan as they attempt to bring their assailants to justice and move on with their lives.

Saving Face, a new documentary, chronicles the lives of acid-attack survivors Zakia and Rukhsana as they attempt to […]
April 3, 2012

Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada denounced ‘honor’ crimes against women

Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada visited a Montreal centre for victims of family violence to denounce crimes […]
April 3, 2012

Iraqi woman Shaima Alawadi killed in California, police seek suspect and information

An Iraqi woman was brutally beaten in El Cajon, California, and died from her injuries. Police are seeking […]
March 8, 2012

As the world marks International Women’s Day on Thursday, women in Tunisia continue to fight for women’s equality

As the world marks International Women’s Day on Thursday, many Tunisian women fear they are losing the gains […]
March 8, 2012

Afghan President Karzai supports Ulema Council’s Shariah law document, which allows husbands to beat wives and encourages segregation of men and women, forbids women from traveling without male guardian

President Hamid Karzai’s Tuesday remarks backing the Ulema Council’s document, which allows husbands to beat wives under certain […]