October 14, 2015

Hila’s Story: Choosing a Life of Hiding to Escape Honor Violence

By *Hila In the 70s, my parents emigrated from Yemen to the U.S. While they did many things […]
September 25, 2015

Petition to End Honor Violence; Reflections from Our Executive Director

  Dear AHA Foundation Supporter, Many of you have already signed our petition to say that honor violence in the […]
September 24, 2015

One Year Later: AHA Foundation’s Executive Director Reflects on Her Experience of Fighting to End Honor Violence

by AHA Foundation Executive Director It has been more than a year since I took over as Executive […]
September 24, 2015

Taking Your Voices to Capitol Hill to End Honor Violence

There is no honor in honor violence. It is criminal. Even so, in this land of the free […]
September 16, 2015

Never a Memory:  A Mother Gives Voice to a Victim of Honor Killing

February, 2015 Most honor violence victims in the United States suffer in silence, their freedom of choice and […]
September 9, 2015

End Violence Against Women and Girls in the US 
Demand a National Action Plan to Fight Honor Violence

[emailpetition id=”1″] The AHA Petition: End Violence Against Women and Girls in the US. Honor violence is an […]
August 19, 2015

Hundreds of Supporters, a Two-Day Conference and One Goal

Amanda Parker, AHA Foundation Senior Director, discusses IVAWA with staffers on Capital Hill. By Amanda Parker, AHA Foundation […]
July 16, 2015

AHA Foundation Advocacy Leads US Efforts to Track Honor Violence, Helping to End FGM, Book Recommendations and More

Dear AHA Foundation Supporter, When considering the common thread of our newsletter articles this month, I kept coming […]
July 15, 2015

From the AHA Foundation Team: Books That Changed Us

Committed to the belief that stories can be even more empowering when shared, and that empowerment can lead […]
June 21, 2015

Happy Father’s Day!

By AHA Foundation Executive Director Happy Father’s Day! Even though I lost my father more than 20 years […]
June 19, 2015

FGM Survivors Speak Out, Honor Violence on Film, Forced Marriage in the News and More

Dear AHA Foundation Supporter, There’s power in a personal story. Time and again we’re reminded that no matter […]
June 16, 2015

Women Forced to Undergo FGM Find Strength to Break the Silence

Ayaan When Ayaan Hirsi Ali, founder of the AHA Foundation, underwent female genital mutilation (FGM) in her native […]
June 16, 2015

Honor Violence on Film: A Different Type of Activism

In our increasingly interconnected world, information and facts about grave human rights abuses like honor violence are only […]
May 20, 2015

Vacation Cutting Season, “Heretic” in Europe and Canada, Empowering Essay Quotes and More

Dear AHA Foundation Supporter, I would like to use this issue of our newsletter to provide an update […]
May 20, 2015

Vacation Cutting: An Illegal Practice Still Running Rampant

Summer is the season of vacation cutting. Many girls living in the US will be taken to countries […]
May 19, 2015

Filled with Hope and Empowerment, “I am Inspired by Ayaan” Essays’ Quotes Rekindle the Power of Storytelling

“In restoring to me my very own story, you helped me regain my power…” -Jessica S. We have […]
May 19, 2015

Ayaan Takes ‘Heretic’ on the Road to Canada and Europe

Since the launch of Heretic in March, Ayaan Hirsi Ali has taken every available opportunity to speak out […]
May 19, 2015

Spanish Newspaper El Pais Covers the Release of Heretic

In a translated excerpt from his article in the Spanish newspaper El Pais, Mario Vargas Llosa notes, “It is […]
May 19, 2015

Ayaan Talks Heretic and Optimism for an Islamic Reformation with Flemming Rose of Jyllands-Posten

Ayaan speaks with Flemming Rose, Foreign Editor at the Danish Jyllands-Posten and champion of free speech, about her […]
May 4, 2015

Honor Killings in America – Ayaan Hirsi Ali in ‘The Atlantic’

Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, gets it. “I don’t see,” he told me this week, “how […]