If you have suffered or are at risk of honor violence and abuse, we hope these messages from the AHA Foundation’s supporters and advocates show you that you are not alone and give you strength and encouragement.

If you have suffered or are at risk of honor violence and abuse, we hope these messages from the AHA Foundation’s supporters and advocates show you that you are not alone and give you strength and encouragement.
“Sweet girl, you are never alone. Hundreds of women stand behind you, holding your hand to guide you through this moment. Know that people are fighting in your name to bring you the joy in life you deserve and will stop at nothing until you are free. You are loved!”
― Ally
“You are not alone! You are strong and you are loved, the perfect combination. Therefore, don’t give up hope! There are people here who will help you because they believe you’re worth it, and they’re right!”
― Jessica H.
“If you’ve been a victim of this horrific practice I can only imagine your suffering. Stay strong. There are a lot of people working tirelessly to provide you with support and to end it.”
― Lindsay
“My heart is with you. Together we will endure your pain, and together we will celebrate your freedom.”
― Breanna C.
“Dear Friend, I am writing to let you know that you are not alone. We are waiting to hear from you. No one should have to experience what you are going through. We are here to help you find freedom from the abuses you have endured. None of what has happened is your fault. Please reach out to someone today. Many of us have known abuse and have found our way to freedom. We are here to support and encourage you. Please make contact and begin telling someone your story. It is the first step to a new reality and new life.”
― Geneva
“The definition of the word “honour” is esteem, respect and knowing what is morally right. The actions of those who choose to bully and oppress you is decidedly Dishonourable. You are braver than these cowards with their warped sensibilities. Be as strong as you are able, in the face of what must be an intolerable hell. Know that there are many good people that are on your side. We abhor the way you are treated. I’m in awe at the strength it must take to face this terrible situation.”
― Cathy
“I will pray for your protection. May God hold you close and pour out his love upon you..You are a gift to the world.”
― Floy
“You are not alone. Your struggles may be difficult, but you will overcome them, and there are people who will help you. Please keep holding on and fighting for yourself.”
― Min
“You are not alone and not forgotten.”
― Frances
“Dear Lovely, Innocent Girls, Please listen. What some people call “honour ” violence is not honourable at all. An honourable man or woman does not hurt another. What you have endured, or have been told you must endure, is not your fault. You are blameless. There is help for you out there, offered by kind people who understand your suffering. Please go to them, ask for help, tell them of your pain. You are not alone. Many girls like you think they must keep quiet and endure the pain. This is not right. Your body belongs to you; it is nobody else’s. I am a woman. I know nobody has the right to hurt you; nobody has the right to cut you in your private places; nobody has a right to force you into a marriage. So-called “honour” violence in which you body is hurt in some way, is evil. There are no excuses, no “traditions”, that can justify violence toward you. Please seek help from people who understand your pain and distress.”
― Carol-Mary
“All human being have a right to a decent living. We are very far from this at present. Women, specially young girls are continuously subject to violence. Reason can be lack of education, old beliefs, religious practices or simply due to non. confronting attitude of girls. At this time and in future there can not be difference between a man and a woman. We have to confront religion beliefs, educate girls, remove old dogma towards female. every where and at every level. This is the duty of each of us. A blind eye to this is same as committing crime.”
― Vasantray
“We are stronger together, stronger than those who would steal you away, steal who you are and what your future holds. We are sisters no matter where I am, no matter where you are: I am on your side. What we look like from here to there is camouflage to confuse those who don’t know what we know: we are the same. Please let your strength guide you out of that cage. Let your bravery bring you into a life you choose, let you be who you want to be. You are not alone. We have our stories too, and we will listen and hold your hand and cry together. We are stronger together, and we are here for you.”
― Roseann
“You’re stronger and braver than you think you will make it out never lose faith i swear you can do it you can do anything i love you all this is far from the end ….”
― Deee
“You have a right to live the life you want. I support you and you are not alone.”
― Karina
“You are strong, you are brave, and you are supported! Please reach out to the AHA Foundation. They can and will help! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!”
― JL
“You aren’t alone. I’m with you Be strong! You will be ok.”
― Anita
“I don’t know who will get this or read this but I want to just send my love and prayers to all the girls that have suffered from any kind of trauma or violence. I want to somehow spread my thanks and admiration to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is now my role model. Thank you for sacrificing everything for all those who have suffered too. You are an incredible woman. All the other women out there reading this – you too are incredible. Look forward and know that the future is bright for you! Keep pushing, do not give up or give in to what your enemies want. Show them who is boss. I hope I can do all that is within my power to support the AHA Foundation. Love, blessings and prayers go out to you.”
― Arianne
“If you have found your way to this website, know that you have reached people…and not just womenfolk, but both genders, who care about what is happening to you, what might be going on in your life that puts you in fear of your safety. Whatever you have been told about your existence, your worth, your right to be free from violence or imprisonment or persistent abuse, you are being criminally mistreated by individuals who DO NOT care about you, do not care about you living a life of independence and making your own happiness in a world where it is your right to do so. Everybody here wants to hear from you and wants to help you. You have made contact with people who wish to find you sanctuary. and people who care about your life and comfort. Keep safe FIRST and stay in touch. Let these people know who and where you are. Let somebody here care about you. I am a middle age mother of one, living in UK, who is also a healthcare professional – I am also independent by my own efforts, responsible and free to make any personal choices I wish or are good for me and people I care about. I believe that men and women have equal rights to these choices…and so does this organisation. Stay connected. Leave them your details – you are not alone now.”
― Uschi
“Resist the ways of the old culture. Study! Learn! Be all you can be. Think for yourself. Be strong. You do not have to conform to suit your family.”
― Neil
“You are not alone. I stand beside you to be free of oppression and harm, and to have your natural and inalienable rights respected regardless of the circumstance, situation, location, or the hollow justifications of others. No one has the right to compel you, harm you, or take from you without your consent. If a law is to be moral, it must be in accord with rights. No law that aggresses against your rights is moral or legitimate, legality be damned. I will stand by you. I will fight with you. You have a friend and ally in defense of your rights, because this is the moral thing to do. To deny rights to one is to deny them for us all. You are not alone. There are many who believe like me.”
― Neil
“You are more precious and valuable than you can imagine. Even though I may never meet you, know that you are not alone. People are fighting for you and your rights everyday. Never give up the fight for your rights and never doubt yourself.”
― Natalie
“Know you are not alone, know you are worth loving, know you can and will get through this… life is somethings so hard and it’s difficult to see the sun from the dark clouds… but above lies the sun and bad things, just like cloudy days, end and the sun comes out and better days are ahead. Be strong, find faith and happiness. It is out there for you.”
― Christian
“I have a serious medical condition and want to support this group as much as i can with the time i have left.I have a year old granddaughter, and when my daughter dressed her for “International Women’s Day i realized we need to shine a brighter spotlight on this situation, so even the women here in USA that don’t want to hear this, or say “it’s a cultural thing,” will have this awful abuse more in their face. Bless you all.”
― Sue
“Girls and young ladies, don’t let anyone take away your dreams or opportunities. You are our FUTURE! We support you in all your endeavors.”
― From a Pediatrician in the U.S.
“You may feel weak but you are strong and within you is the power and strength to overcome and achieve that which you deserve…love and respect. Be strong and be brave <3”
― Melissa
“Girls wherever you are, whatever you are facing, you are not online. I am part of a global community of women who want to protect your rights. Please reach out to places of support and trust if you can find them. Remember, it only takes one person to start a revolution if there are people who support them. I am one of them for you in your fight for education, equality and human rights.”
― Annie Mills
“Never forget that you are a strong and beautiful woman. The proof is that you are still here after all that you have been through. You are much loved in this world. Stay brave. There are many people that are trying to change and improve things for all women.”
― Lynn Turner
“You are strong, you will live on and I wish you all only the very best of fortune. Know that there is always somebody there for you.”
― Alejandro
“Your life is just as important as any man’s, and should be as free as any man’s. Don’t let us hold you back!”
― Curt
“To every girl, to every woman: you were born to be free and powerful. You were given talents and abilities to share with the world and advance your communities. You have the right to dictate your own life. No one should control you. Your sisters are around the world and stand in unity with you. If other women try to keep you down and afraid, forgive them, because they are under the spell of petty and wicked men. Stay strong in knowledge that you are priceless and irreplaceable.”
― Chris
“Feeling very fortunate to live in Canada where everyone has equal rights in most things. It was not always that way. & only changed when enough people let others know, especially government officials, about the ways in which they were being wronged. It is not easy to speak out because it is embarrassing or if someone is hitting you they may do it again because they are mad at you for telling out it. If we do not tell others about injustices done to us, the ones doing it will think it is Ok, or that no one will do anything to stop them. This keeps the bad stuff going. Many people in other countries are thinking & praying for our sisters in countries who are having difficult, painful lives.”
― Francis
“I feel so sorry that you have such terrible things happen to you. Wonderful that Ayaan is trying her best to stop things like this happening to girls like you. Our laws must protect you and keep you safe from harm. If awful things happen to you don’t be frightened to tell people and ask for help.”
― Mary
“I am in your court so that I can help you give a voice to women like yourself.”
― Zachary
“Don’t give up hope.”
― Deborah
“You are in my thoughts and prayers. I support the AHA foundation.”
― Virginia
“People across the whole world; parents, men, women and children, support you and pray for you. It’s organisations like the AHA Foundation that can help you and help stop these abuses of girls and women like you. Talk to them and let them help you.”
― Graham
“Be brave. Be strong. We support you.”
― Jeff
“I send you good energy, positivity and love in all of your pursuits. Life is difficult for the average person. Life becomes terrifically more difficult when you face the unfortunate reality of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The good thing about your place in the world — it will change and you will change. Use your struggles and strife to build yourself, accept the love and kindness of others, develop barriers against evil, and always — always — remember you are worth it. You have the power to conquer the hurdles and to progress to new places, better places so you can be in the right place at the right time. You are just as deserving as every other human; and anyone who has shown you dishonor bears the responsibility on their shoulders. The decisions of others are not your fault. You are loved, even though you may not know it yet. Find that love and hold on to it. You can get through this — you can get through anything. You are human after all. Look to other survivors, look to leaders, and look to those who are righteous in their ways. Have courage. Nothing is static. All is impermanent.”
― Akiva Noach Erezim
“Dearest you. I don’t know you, and I probably never will. But I always think of you and I want you to know that even though we will never meet, I will always fight for you. Even though we will never speak, I will be your voice.
You are not alone. You are loved.
And if it takes all of us to change the world for you, then that’s what we will do. We are one, and we will move mountains for you. Think of me, as I think of you. Be strong.”
― Paola
“Don’t be afraid to speak up. Being fearful allows them to control you.”
― Andrew
“ ‘One day in the very near future you will be free to be whoever you want to be.’ That’s what I use to tell my little girls when I was trapped in a violent marriage I was forced into at the age of 13 years old. It took many, many years for me to find my voice and the help I needed to escape that marriage, but it finally happened for us and now we are free. Please always remember you are not alone in whatever situation you are in, and that there are people like the AHA Foundation who can and will help you. Never lose hope that things will change for the better, because hope is a very powerful tool to use against your abuser.”
― Gabriella Gillespie
“You are not alone, I promise you. There are thousands of people who would give you love and support, you just need to reach out and find them. Do not be afraid to get help, being happy is your right and if it’s not given to you, then you must take it. Stay strong <3”
― Sofia A
“Be brave and courageous! When suffering strikes us, we can do one of two things: either hide far and deep, and let our suffering exhaust us and wear us out, or let it make us stronger, wiser, more capable of helping others in need. Those others need your help and support, your understanding, your willingness to bring goodness to the suffering and weak. Please be of good heart and good hope!
With love!”
― Aleksandra Czwojdrak
“You’re brave, you’re strong and you are not alone. Remember that. We need to speak up and share our story so we can change society and protect other girls. Together we can fight this and win the battle.”
― María José
“So many people are angered and saddened by the pain you endure and determined to find ways to prevent it happening to others.”
― Tom Brockman
“Women are the foundation of the family. A strong family is the foundation of a strong civilization. Be strong beautiful girl! You are NOT alone. Women around the world are hearing of your pain, and we are fighting for you.
Every person on this earth deserves, and has the right to 100% freedom. We have the right to make our own choices!
We must all be strong together and help each other to gain this right. We will teach our sons and daughters that they are equal.
Remember you are amazing. And you as a woman, have the power to change the world!
Sending love from Canada. Xoxox….”
― Maureen O’Brien
“ ‘You wake up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before, and that, my love, is bravery.’ -Unknown”
― Ronald Mannshardt
“Please know how worthy you are of real love and respect. Stand strong, stand proud,and know you can do this. Family are those that love and support you and not always who you share a bloodline with. No matter how hard it is to let go, know that when you do let go of those who would do you harm, you will leave room in your life for those who will cherish you. Many of us who have never met you have love in our hearts for the beautiful soul you are.”
― Cori Gross
“You are not alone, the world cries out for safe and equal treatment for all human beings regardless of gender or wealth. Stay safe!”
― Unni Richardsen
“You are strong and you are brave, and you will overcome this!”
― Tammy
“You are in our hearts and in our thoughts. Know the rain is our tears for your suffering and the sun is our hope that one day all girls will be free. We know there are no words to ease your pain, but believe people like Hirsi Ali are fighting for your freedom from misery and one day they will win.”
― Christine Dorothy
“Please know that many of us are available to help you. We are here to stop forced marriages, genital mutilation and other type of humiliation and acts that you don’t want. Let us know when we can help.”
― Stephen A. Wineteer
“Don’t ever give up on yourself or your aspirations. Everyone has a reason to be strong for the next generation. Look to inspirations of civil liberty leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. We educate today to give the future a better life.”
― Jeremy Norton
“As children we often dream about our perfect lives, who we would marry or which amazing job we will have in our future…but sometimes on our way of achieving these dreams we meet people, who are not supportive by achieving our goals…and sometimes we get even stuck with these negative people because they make us believe there is no way out , they makes us believe that they are our only way…but they are not! You always have a choice in your life, don’t let other people get control over your dreams, hopes and especially over your life. I know maybe it is hopeless for you sometimes or you think you don’t have enough energy to fight them. But believe me there is always a solution, always a way out and if you need help you will find amazing people on this website who will help you to believe again in you, your hopes and your dreams. Start believing in you again, because I do!”
― Diana Christin
“As an Somali ex muslim I think website is really amazing. I hope this will help everyone. The importance of this thing is that we need to believe that this is not a shame. Many woman and young girls believe that which is not good point. Please talk about your problems , only you can make a change in your life!”
― Muniira
“My dearest sisters, it is your human right to be free from abuse and oppression. It is our responsibility to help each other resist and change any part of culture that oppresses and abuses women and children. We need to work together now. Put women’s health and rights first and you will have a society that is peaceful for all our children. I’m with you, and I wish for your happiness and freedom, and your space to bring all your own special blessings and love into the world. The men who oppress you need to be challenged. Western women who have any economic or social power need to raise their voices and purses now to help those less fortunate than us, because there but for the grace of God go we….”
― Kyls Burtland
“I am thinking of you and wishing you strength in overcoming the burdens placed on you. You deserve peace and understanding and know that you are not alone and that many in our free society want to help you. Never give up.”
― Mary Herrington
“My heart goes out to you and hurts for you and everything you had to go through in your life.”
― Jelena Levin
“I have great sympathies for such women. I will be an ardent supporter of these brave women for the rest of my life.”
― Shehzad Ali
“No one has the right to abuse you in any way and you have a right to protect yourself from anyone who would do so or who would threaten to do so. Abuse can disguise itself in many forms, particularly as ‘tradition’, ‘culture’ or ‘religion’, but it is still abuse and it is not allowed in this country and will one day end worldwide. Sometimes, abuse can start because you respect or admire someone who reinforces or condones its legitimacy. Do not be misguided by anyone who attempts to justify it.
Please know that there are millions of people in this very country and all over the world who are fighting for you so that you do not have to suffer in silence and that our voice is your voice. Please call upon our strength and make it your own so that you may live in peace and dignity, not fear.”
― Ray F.
“Thinking of you all the time. We all wish we could do more.”
― Cameron Riddle
“You are more than the situation you may find yourself in. You are here for a reason. It may seem like there is no hope, but you have us. Remember, you are more than the situation you are in. Do not let that define who you are. You are brave.”
― Yurytzy Sanchez
“I stand with you and recognize your suffering. You are not alone.”
― Rebecca Oshiro
“Hey, I am company with you. I’d like to hug you,you are beautiful and strong.”
― Silvia Xie
“Let us know how we can help. My family can’t promise anything. But can promise to listen which hopefully will be all that you need. We are here for you rain or shine and not going any where.”
― Saul Cendejas and Family
“I wish for you the strength to overcome, the hope to believe there is another way, another life that you can have where you are free to choose.
Where you are free of fear and anger.
I wish for your voice to be heard.
I am with you.”
― Michelle
“You should not feel shame or embarrassment, this is your body and no one has a right to defile it, no religion, no culture, no one has a right to disfigure your body, female genital mutilation is appalling, a horrible insult to you, a reprehensible act of violence on your body and your femininity, it should be outlawed and those involved should be prosecuted in the courts, you deserve to live a full life and not be punished because of some religious ideology, I stand by you and just know that i support you and know you’re not alone, there are those that want to help stop this.”
― Chris M.
“We support you and your right to not have to live in the shadows and hide your faith and who you are and your desire for a full and joyful life as a woman. God Bless you all and know you have millions out there who care and are praying for you.”
― Carson Zickefoose
“There are no words to describe the heartbreak and horror that I feel in learning about what you have experienced. But you are NOT alone. I am grateful that you are seeking help, and I encourage you to follow through without fear. You are dearly loved and cherished not only by this foundation, but by myself and millions of others throughout the world.”
― Hans
“Hello…I am a counselor for over 30 years and my heart breaks to think of the pain and suffering any young girl has or may go through with this horrible abuse…Please don’t suffer in silence, please reach out for help as there are people who care and will listen and support you…you are prayed for and as a professional who has worked with women for decades, please reach out, you are not alone!”
― Melonie Gale MA LMFT, LPCC, LMHC, NCC
“Be strong! We are with you and you are in our wishes and prayers.”
― Monique
“The weak people of this world will hurt you, and the strong stand WITH you to encourage you to SPEAK UP and fight for your RIGHT to not suffer and be in pain from the hands of people who should be PROTECTING YOU!!! Don’t keep you pain a secret… tell everyone, teachers, and parents!! There will be a person who feels your pain and will help you!!!”
― Sarah
“To all the girls who have suffered FGM my love and support to you. Do not be afraid to assert your rights, speak up and make your voice heard. May God bless you!”
― Romi A.
“Young woman: Truly, you are not alone. I promise, other women love you and support you and are trying to help you. We won’t forget about you, not ever. Be strong, have courage. Women of the US stand with you!”
― Julie Dimeo
“I want you to know that you are not alone. Complete strangers care so deeply about you and I am one of them. Do not let your past define you, do not let what has happened to you define you – you are stronger than both. You are a warrior and you are loved!”
― Bronwin Barilla
“Hello to whoever may be reading this. I want you to know if you are suffering that you are not alone. No one deserves to go through that pain, especially by yourself. I hope to be able to do more as I get older, but right now I want to send my thoughts and prayers. Remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.”
― Emily I
“What has happened to you does not define you. You are beautiful, and you are of great worth no matter what others (even those who love you) have done to you. People do many wrong things to each other, and we will do everything we can to teach them to stop this wrong.”
― Glenda
“There are many who care about what happens to you. Do not be afraid to reach out for help. I am outraged by genital mutilation, forced marriages, and abuse. Please know this is not right or good. No one deserves this. It must be stopped.”
― Julie Sornsin-Cardwell