Frequently Asked Questions

1How can I sign up to take an AHA Online Training course?
To take one or more of the AHA Online Training courses, you first need to register for the training program.
If you have already registered, please log in the program by using the user name and password you set up when you registered.
2I cannot remember my password.
No problem. Follow this link:
Reset Your Password
3How do I register for the AHA Online Training program?
Visit the Registration page, fill out the form and select Submit.
4Why do I need to fill out all data fields in the registration form?
The AHA Foundation will keep your contact information private and secure. Such information will only be used if we receive requests from women at risk who may benefit from your professional services, in which case we will first reach out to you to ask for your permission to share your contact information with the woman at risk.
5How do I start the course lessons?
After you login/register, you may start taking the Honor Violence and Forced Marriage course which consists of six lessons.
6How do I proceed with lessons? How do I save my progress?
After having read each lesson, click on "Mark as Completed" at the bottom of the page and then click "Next Lesson." That action will take you to next lesson and your progress will be saved.
7Do I have to take the course in one sitting?
No. As you go through lessons, make sure you save your progress by clicking on "Mark as Completed" found on the bottom of each lesson. This will ensure that upon your return to the course you will be able to continue the lessons at the same place where you left off.
8Do I need to take the quiz?
When you finish reading all lessons, you will be offered an opportunity to take the course quiz. The quiz is set to test your knowledge about the course.
You will receive a downloadable AHA Foundation Certificate for the course when you successfully pass the quiz.
9How can I edit my personal data after I complete registration?
Visit Your Profile page to make changes.
10I am having technical difficulties with the site. Whom should I contact for help?
Please send a description of the technical issue to