Chaz Akoshile, Joint Head of the UK's Forced Marriage Unit; Jasvinder Sanghera, founder of Karma Nirvana and Sabatina James, founder of Sabatina EV attend the AHA Foundation's International Women's Day and HONOUR Launch cocktail reception.
On Thursday, March 8, 2012, the AHA Foundation held a cocktail reception in New York City to celebrate International Women’s Day and launch our new HONOUR products. To date, we have an HONOUR tote bag, tie, pink and white candles.
The cocktail reception was a major success, particularly in the caliber of guests who attended. In addition to friends and supporters, we were thrilled to host Jasvinder Sanghera, founder of Karma Nirvana; Chaz Akoshile, Joint Head of the UK’s Forced Marriage Unit; Phyllis Chesler, honor violence scholar; and Sabatina James, forced marriage survivor and founder of Sabatina EV.