Historic Bill To End Female Genital Mutilation in New Zealand – Scoop Independent News

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New Zealand First welcomes the passage of the Crimes (Definition of Female Genital Mutilation) Amendment Bill today, which protects women and girls from abhorrent abuse.

It brings New Zealand in alignment with the World Health Organisation classification of female genital mutilation (FGM).

New Zealand First Spokesperson for Human Rights Jenny Marcroft MP is delighted the bill passed all remaining stages today, signaling that FGM is unacceptable in New Zealand.

Ms. Marcroft, who co-sponsored the historic cross-party multi-members bill, says FGM in fact is utterly rejected in New Zealand.

“I am very proud to have been part of the very first cross-party multi-Member’s Bill. This is historically significant for us as parliamentarians and as women. What we have in common, might not be our minds or ideologies – but our bodies.”

Read more here.