AHA Foundation was instrumental in creating the CLARITy (Champions for Liberty Against the Reality of Islamist Tyranny) Coalition and Ayaan Hirsi Ali is one of its founding members. By working with CLARITy, we strive to build a diverse coalition of Muslim reformers, ex-Muslims, activists, writers, academics, and more to push back against the dangerous ideology of Islamist extremism, which seeks to elevate antiquated religious understandings of people and society above universal human rights and secular governance.

The Genesis of CLARITy: “We Must Unite Against Islamism"
In 2019, AHA Foundation Founder Ayaan Hirsi Ali addressed a group of ex-Muslims, Muslim reformers, activists, and writers at the Coalescing Networks to Combat Islamist Ideologies Seminar at Stanford University. This meeting brought together a diverse band of people with one common goal in mind: to expose Islamism and promote Muslim reform. The seminar inspired further meetings to discuss how to move forward, a process which culminated in the creation of the CLARITy Coalition. Ayaan’s words from the very beginning of this process are an inspiring embodiment of CLARITy’s values and ideals.