August 19, 2010

Australian judge: Woman cannot wear veil in court

An Australian Muslim woman who sought permission to keep her face and head covered while she gives evidence […]
August 18, 2010

How to Win the Clash of Civilizations

Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes on how to win the clash of civilizations, arguing the key advantage of Samuel […]
August 17, 2010

Our “moderate Muslim” problem

Brett Stephens writes the Ground Zero mosque imam earns wide congratulations while true Muslim reformers go ignored. via:[]
August 10, 2010

Female circumcision victims seek out Colo. doctor

In Trinidad, Colorado, doctor Marci Bowers has performed about two dozen reconstructive surgeries on mostly African born women […]
August 10, 2010

Public funds to build mosques

Americans may be surprised to learn that the United States has been an active participant in mosque construction […]
August 9, 2010

Mischief in Manhattan

Raheel Raza and Tarek Fatah, two reformist Muslims, write: “We Muslims know the Ground Zero mosque is meant […]
August 9, 2010

The SPEECH Act Should Not Pre-empt State Law

Daniel Huff of the Legal Project at Middle East Forum writes that Congress can simply add a provision […]
August 9, 2010

Plans to Build Massive Islamic Centers Raise Concerns in Tennessee

At the end of the first Iraq war, the United States designated Nashville, Tenn., to be a “gateway […]
August 7, 2010

German authorities close down mosque linked to 9/11

Authorities in Hamburg, Germany, said that they had shut down the mosque where several of the hijackers involved […]
August 7, 2010

Leave and We’ll Kill You: Islam and Apostates in America

In an analysis, Phyllis Chesler writes: “Many Muslims who are religious are not fanatic fundamentalists or radicals and […]
August 7, 2010

Surgery for woman mutilated by Taliban

A horrifically mutilated Afghan woman who appeared on a controversial Time magazine cover is to undergo surgery in […]
August 7, 2010

The Women of Hezbollah

David Schenker explores why Hezbollah is suddenly panicked about female modesty. via:[]
August 6, 2010

Minneapolis Somalis Played Key Role in al-Shabaab investigation

Muslim Somalis in Minnesota have actively cooperated with federal officials in terrorism investigations: a large part of the […]
August 6, 2010

Ban the burqa: Muslim leader

A leading Muslim in Australia has risked a backlash from his community by calling on the winner of […]
August 5, 2010

Judge: Runaway Christian Girl Not Required to Reunite With Muslim Parents

A juvenile court judge in Columbus, Ohio, has granted a runaway Christian convert’s request to declare reunion with […]
August 3, 2010

WTC Mosque, Meet the Auschwitz Nuns

William McGurn argues that building the proposed Islamic Center at the location of the former World Trade Center […]
August 3, 2010

John Esposito, Islamophobia, and the Ground Zero Mosque

Stephen Schwartz, a reformist Sunni Muslim, writes: “Denunciation of crimes committed by Muslims, such as the 9/11 attacks, […]
August 2, 2010

US Saudi relations

“It is almost ludicrous that with our own secretary of State being a woman, the rights of women […]
July 30, 2010

Islamic Feminists Storm Some Barricades

Islamic feminists are holding pray-ins at US mosques to protest gender-segregated worship: while women’s rights activists like Asra […]
July 30, 2010

Domestic abuse still a taboo in Turkey

Domestic abuse remains a taboo in Turkey, although the rate of abuse is high in both rural and […]