February 13, 2011

Teens forced into marriages

As many as 50 underage New Zealand girls a year are being forced into marriages by Sikh and […]
February 10, 2011

Conservative Political Action Conference 2011

The AHA Foundation had a large presence to raise awareness of honor violence and other core foundation issues […]
February 10, 2011

Multiculturalism has failed, says French president

French President Nicolas Sarkozy declared Thursday that multiculturalism had failed, joining a growing number of world leaders or […]
February 8, 2011

Honor Killings in Europe

In an analysis, Valentina Colombo writes that “Honor-related violence can now be described as a European phenomenon”. via:[http://www.hudson-ny.org/1849/honor-killings-in-europe]
February 8, 2011

Revolutionaries’ fervour is also their weakness

In the Financial Times, Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes that the Egyptian revolutionaries’ fervour is also their weakness. via:[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/7aa8dbe0-33c9-11e0-b1ed-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1DTnMBRdw […]
February 8, 2011

Turkish man kills wife and cuts off her head

Presumably out of a violated sense of “honor”, a Turkish-born man has killed and dismembered his wife in […]
February 7, 2011

Jury finds New York TV executive guilty of murder for wife’s beheading

After a three-week trial and one hour of deliberations, an upstate New York jury on Monday found Muzzammil […]
February 7, 2011

‘Honor’ killing trial resumes in Phoenix

Arizona’s case of the Iraqi man accused of killing his daughter for honor was expected to wrap up […]
February 5, 2011

Turkish woman recounts difficult life in Saudi Arabia with book

The difficulties of living as a woman in Saudi Arabia are the subject of a new book by […]
February 4, 2011

Dutch cabinet earmarks funds for victims of honour violence

In a debate on honour violence, Dutch Deputy Welfare Minister Marlies Veldhuijzen van Zanten has told parliament she […]
February 3, 2011

Bangladesh arrests clerics over whipping a girl

Police in Bangladesh said Thursday they have arrested four Islamic clerics after a teenage girl was whipped to […]
February 3, 2011

Get ready for the Muslim Brotherhood

In today’s New York Times, Ayaan writes about the Muslim Brotherhood’s strong and growing influence in Egypt and […]
February 2, 2011

Hesse bans burkas for state workers

The German state of Hesse has banned the wearing of the burka – the Muslim dress that covers […]
January 30, 2011

Grooming of girls by Asian gangs fuelled by unhappy arranged marriages to cousins claims Muslim peer

A senior Muslim politician in the UK has blamed unhappy arranged marriages to cousins for leading some Pakistani […]
January 29, 2011

Dutch freeze contacts after Iran executes woman

An Iranian-Dutch woman, arrested in Iran after taking part in demonstrations has been hanged on alleged charges of […]
January 28, 2011

Judge censures cartoonist over court outburst against ‘terrorist attacker’

A Danish judge has had to call the cartoonist Kurt Westergaard to order after an outburst against the […]
January 28, 2011

Plea for ban on forced marriages

In New Zealand, ethnic women’s groups are lobbying the Government to pass legislation against forced marriages as escalating […]
January 28, 2011

Screen Scene: “When We Leave”

Referring to the new German film “When we leave”, Elisa Mosler writes: “Based on a real honor killing […]
January 28, 2011

Feo Aladag focuses her camera on honor killings

Though rarely documented in the U.S., the tradition of “honor killings”: putting a woman to death for having […]
January 27, 2011

Taliban stones woman for fleeing arranged marriage – The Daily Mail UK

Video has emerged of a 19-year-old girl being stoned to death by the Taliban for running away from […]