December 20, 2011

Mass March by Cairo Women in Protest Over Soldiers’ Abuse

Thousands of women marched through downtown Cairo on Tuesday evening to call for the end of military rule […]
December 20, 2011

Nina Shea emphasizes importance of freedom of religion, calls attention to Ayaan’s efforts

‘There’s a difference between threats to religious freedom abroad and at home: Let’s address both,’ says member of […]
December 20, 2011

Please sign Karma Nirvana’s petition to better protect children from forced marriage and honor violence.

Please sign Karma Nirvana’s petition to better protect children from forced marriage and honor violence. Via:[]
December 20, 2011

A gruesome ‘honor’ attack in Pakistan has shocked even hardened observers

Tribal traditions and machismo served to turn the life of a woman living in Dorug, a tribal area […]
December 20, 2011

Police in Bangladesh said they would charge a migrant worker accused of cutting off most of his wife’s hands after she started studying for a college degree without his permission.

Police in Bangladesh said they would charge a migrant worker, Rafiqul Islam, accused of cutting off most of […]
December 20, 2011

Afghan girls punch their way to equality

At Ghazi Stadium in Kabul, Afghanistan, Afghan girls punch their way to equality. Via:[]
December 6, 2011

Reid looks to strengthen genital-mutilation ban

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has introduced legislation that would make it a crime under U.S. law […]
December 6, 2011

First ‘Honor Killing’ Trial in Belgium’s History Places Entire Family on Dock

In what is believed to be the first ‘honor killing’ trial in Belgian history, an entire family has […]
December 6, 2011

Sydney Man Convicted of Killing Mother’s Lover in “honor

A Sydney man accused of killing his mother’s lover in a bid to protect his family’s honor has […]
December 6, 2011

Teen told social worker of abuse, Canadian honour killing trial hears

In the year before their deaths, two teenage Montreal sisters told teachers and a youth protection worker that […]
December 6, 2011

NJ dad eyed in ‘honor’ killing

A twisted, sick sense of “honor” compelled a Jersey City man to have his daughter and son-in-law brutally […]
December 6, 2011

Cellphone footprints reveal compelling details in the Shafia “honor” killing case in Canada.

Cellphone footprints reveal compelling details in the Shafia “honor” killing case. Via:[–dimanno-cellphone-footprints-reveal-compelling-detail-in-shafia-case]
December 6, 2011

Classrooms in London schools tackle genital mutilation

Each year, 6,500 girls in central London could undergo female genital mutilation. Now the city hopes to curb […]
December 6, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood top winner in Egyptian election

In Egypt, Parties that want an expansion of Islamic law captured a clear majority of the votes in […]
December 5, 2011

More than 2,800 so-called honour attacks in UK last year

More than 2,800 so-called honour attacks — punishments for bringing shame on the family — were recorded by […]
December 5, 2011

Britain: Muslim ‘Honor Crimes’ Skyrocketing

More than 2,800 so-called honor attacks — punishments for bringing shame on the family — were recorded by […]
December 5, 2011

Law protecting Afghan women has ‘long way to go

Afghan authorities are failing to enforce the law to protect women from murder, beating, rape and other violence […]
December 5, 2011

Afghan woman’s choice: 12 years in jail or marry her rapist and risk death

Gulnaz’s plight has found international attention because of a dispute between the European Union and a team of […]
December 5, 2011

Afghan gunmen poured acid on faces of three sisters and their parents because eldest ‘didn’t want to marry ageing warlord’

Afghan gunmen burst into a family home – where they poured acid over the father, his wife and […]
December 5, 2011

Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, Egypt’s Nude Blogger, Hiding in Fear for Her Life

Aliaa Magda Elmahdy, the Egyptian blogger who stirred a controversy last month by posting pictures of herself naked […]