October 9, 2012

Female students in Iran have been barred from more than 70 university degree courses.

Female students in Iran have been barred from more than 70 university degree courses in an officially-approved act […]
October 9, 2012

Pakistan’s Generation Y battles to shape the country’s future.

Pakistan’s Generation Y battles to shape the country’s future. Link: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/10/13682714-new-radicals-pakistans-generation-y-battles-to-shape-countrys-future?lite
October 9, 2012

Egyptian women fear regression on rights

Egyptian liberal women fear an impending setback to gains women achieved in recent years under Hosni Mubarak, the […]
October 9, 2012

Kurdistan authorities, grappling with ‘honor’ killings, seek a better way of tackling them.

Kurdistan authorities, grappling with ‘honor’ killings, seek a better way of tackling them. Link: http://www.kurdishglobe.net/display-article.html?id=C3A3D0B3F20FA1CA224BAB140FFB0F98
October 9, 2012

In Israel, a 22-year-old Arab woman was stabbed to death by her 19-year-old brother in an “honor” killing, with her brother “dissatisfied” at her behavior.

In Israel, a 22-year-old Arab woman was stabbed to death by her 19-year-old brother in an “honor” killing, […]
October 9, 2012

Germany’s Der Spiegel Magazine profiles the lives of Salafists’ wives.

Germany’s Der Spiegel Magazine profiles the lives of Salafists’ wives. The two friends now live in a completely […]
October 9, 2012

In Sydney, a couple are being charged with performing FGM on their 2 daughters.

In Sydney, a couple are being charged with performing FGM on their 2 daughters. The couple, ages 42 […]
September 24, 2012

Second Annual Conference on Honor Violence & Forced Marriage

The AHA Foundation, founded by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is proud to host its second annual symposium on honor […]
September 18, 2012

In Newsweek, Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes about the importance of defending freedom of speech against attacks.

In Newsweek, Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes about the importance of defending freedom of speech against attacks. Link: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/09/16/ayaan-hirsi-ali-on-the-islamists-final-stand.html
September 5, 2012

A British woman of Middle Eastern origin shares her fear of being murdered for “honor” by her ex-husband and by her own family.

A British woman of Middle Eastern origin shares her fear of being murdered for “honor” by her ex-husband […]
September 5, 2012

CNN profiles Jasvinder Sanghera and her pioneering work against honor violence in the UK.

CNN profiles Jasvinder Sanghera and her extraordinary work against honor violence and forced marriage in the UK. Read […]
September 5, 2012

At TED Amsterdam, Sabatina James speaks about her flight from an arranged marriage.

At TED Amsterdam, Sabatina James speaks about her flight from an arranged marriage. Watch Sabatina’s address here.
September 5, 2012

A forthcoming documentary with the working title “Sisters” features the work of key activists.

A forthcoming documentary with the working title “Sisters” features the work of important women’s rights activists. View the […]
September 5, 2012

A Muslim preacher who tried to strangle his 16-year old daughter after she refused to enter into an arranged marriage with her cousin has avoided jail.

A Muslim preacher who tried to strangle his 16-year old daughter after she refused to enter into an […]
September 5, 2012

Italian police have charged a Moroccan man for recently severely injuring his daughter when he beat her in a shopping mall in northern Italy for not wearing a veil.

Italian police have charged a Moroccan man for recently severely injuring his daughter when he beat her in […]
September 5, 2012

A children’s play center in the UK has banned fathers from the premises to avoid offending Muslim women.

A children’s play center in the UK has banned fathers from the premises to avoid offending Muslim women. […]
September 5, 2012

Somali bans FGM in new constitution, but activists warn translating the law into action will be difficult.

Activists have welcomed a ban on female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the new constitution of Somalia – a […]
September 5, 2012

Pakistani Christians live in fear after the arrest of a girl for allegedly committing blasphemy.

Pakistani Christians live in fear after the arrest of a Christian girl for allegedly committing blasphemy against Islam. […]
September 5, 2012

A girl accused of blasphemy in Pakistan may have been framed by Muslim cleric.

A girl accused of blasphemy in Pakistan may have been framed by Muslim cleric. Under Pakistani law, anyone […]
September 5, 2012

In Sweden, a man and a woman have been remanded into custody by Attunda district court in Sollentuna on suspicion of having subjected their daughter to female genital mutilation (FGM).

In Sweden, a man and a woman have been remanded into custody by Attunda district court in Sollentuna […]