March 28, 2009

Muslim Women in U.S. Struggle to Balance Western Freedoms and Islamic Culture

While there are plenty of comforts from their home countries, Muslim women living in the United States say […]
March 27, 2009

Afghan women hit by stones at rally against marital law

A group of some 1,000 Afghans swarmed a demonstration of 300 women protesting against a new conservative marriage […]
March 27, 2009

India: Rape Victim Converts to Islam to Marry Accused

An Indian rape victim has told a city court that she wants to marry her violator in order […]
March 26, 2009

Catalan police in crusade against female genital mutilation

Thanks to the efforts of Cataluna’s regional police force, Mossos d’Esquadra, during 2008, 104 girls living in the […]
March 15, 2009

Hannah Shah: “My imam father came after me with an axe”

Hannah Shah had been raped by her father and faced a forced marriage. She fled, became a Christian […]
March 1, 2009

Analysis: Are Honor Killings Simply Domestic Violence?

Honor killings are distinct from wife battering and child abuse: analysis of more than fifty reported honor killings […]
March 1, 2009

New York City, State Do Little to Address Female Genital Cutting

When Angela Montague spoke to her colleagues throughout the city about genital cutting, she discovered that many of […]
December 6, 2008

Abu Ghanem women break silence over ‘honour killings’

The Abu Ghanem clan has lost another of its women, the ninth in eight years killed for supposedly […]
November 21, 2008

Forced marriage cases up by 80pc this year as investigators find parents using ‘bounty hunters’

The number of forced marriages being investigated in Britain has risen by 80 per cent this year with […]
November 17, 2008

French appeals court restores marriage in virginity case

DOUAI, France: A French appeals court overturned on Monday a ruling by a lower tribunal that had annulled […]
October 25, 2008

Sharia rulings in UK ‘can go to courts’

Decisions made under Islamic sharia law can be accepted by English and Welsh family courts, a minister has […]
October 24, 2008

Radical Imam in Netherlands pleads for Polygamy

[Translated]: The controversial Imam Jneid Fawaz of the orthodox As-Shoennah Mosque in the Hague provides his followers advice […]
April 15, 2008

17 honor killings in Belgium in five years

The Institute for Equality of Women and Men has filed an amicus brief in court in the case […]
March 26, 2008

Many Muslims in Lodi, CA Turn to Home Schooling

Like dozens of other Pakistani-American girls in Lodi, California, Hajra Bibi stopped attending the local public school when […]
March 9, 2008

Brother Of Slain Texas Girls Defends Father At Vigil

Sarah and Amina Said would have both celebrated birthdays this month. Sarah would have been 18, and Amina […]
January 17, 2008

911 call reveals horror of Lewisville, TX honor killing

In the one-minute call, the voice fades in and out as the dispatcher and Irving Texas Fire Department […]
January 3, 2008

Lewisville, TX taxi driver who discovered honor killing victims speaks publicly

The man told CBS 11 News that he thought the sisters were asleep, but then he noticed that […]
November 25, 2007

Parents force daughters to fly home to Pakistan for arranged marriages

It’s a well-kept secret in Pakistani homes across New York city: Young women violently forced to return to […]
May 4, 2004

Female Circumcision Threatens Girls in Germany

Female circumsion isn’t just a problem in African countries: in Germany, as many as 6,000 girls of African […]