April 15, 2009

New arrest over Warley honour killing

Another man has been arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with an execution-style honour killing back in […]
April 15, 2009

Afghan Women Protest New Law on Home Life

Kabul, Afghanistan: The young women stepped off the bus and moved toward the protest march just beginning on […]
April 15, 2009

Saudis ‘to regulate’ child brides

Saudi Arabia says it plans to start regulating the marriage of young girls, amid controversy over a union […]
April 14, 2009

Harvard Chaplain’s Statements on Apostasy Spark Controversy

Harvard Islamic chaplain Taha Abdul-Basser has recently come under fire for controversial statements in which he allegedly endorsed […]
April 14, 2009

France warns against forced marriages, mutilation

France launched a new campaign to warn potential victims of forced marriages and female genital mutilation on Tuesday, […]
April 14, 2009

Australian Court bars father from taking daughter for female circumcision

The Family Court has for the first time intervened to prevent a father from taking his nine-year-old daughter […]
April 14, 2009

‘Honour’ culture common in Stockholm

More than 4,000 teenagers in Stockholm are exposed on a daily basis to cultures of honour that involve […]
April 14, 2009

Taleban ‘kill love affair couple’

The Taleban in Afghanistan have publicly killed a young couple who they said had tried to run away […]
April 9, 2009

Push for women’s equality in Muslim family law

A new global movement has been set up to push for equality and justice for women in Muslim […]
April 8, 2009

In Denmark, minority youths fear honour crime

The number of minority youths who seek help because of family threats has almost quadrupled since 2005. “Most […]
April 8, 2009

Third Circuit Court of Appeals in U.S. rejects Muslim Cop’s Bid to Wear Religious Scarf

A Muslim woman who works as a Philadelphia police officer has lost her court battle to wear a […]
April 7, 2009

Germany’s Merkel blasts Afghan marital law

German Chancellor Angela Merkel pressed Afghanistan’s president to review carefully a new law that critics say legalizes marital […]
April 6, 2009

Rotterdam City Council Reserved Separate Seating Area for Women

Dutch Minister of Integration Klink thinks it is not acceptable that the City of Rotterdam reserved separate “women’s […]
April 3, 2009

Headscarf travel divides opinion

Denmark: The case of a Muslim woman who was refused travel on a regional Funen bus multiple times […]
April 3, 2009

Germany: Brother admits to ‘honour killing’ of sister

Twenty-year-old Gulsum S. died after her brother strangled her with a clothes line and then bludgeoned her with […]
March 31, 2009

Muslim island must give up polygamy as price of being part of France

The mostly Muslim Indian Ocean island of Mayotte has overwhelmingly voted to integrate fully with France, a move […]
March 31, 2009

Naseebah Bibi ‘forced daughters-in-law to work as slaves’

A mother-in-law kept her sons’ wives imprisoned for up to 13 years, forcing them to work as slaves, […]
March 31, 2009

British fire service introduces hijab headscarves for Muslim workers

The British Fire Service has introduced special uniforms for female Muslim workers. via:[]
March 30, 2009

Analysis: The New Threat to Freedom of Expression

On Friday, the UN Human Rights Council approved a resolution that calls on states to limit criticism of […]
March 29, 2009

Islamic Law’s Influence in America a Growing Concern

As America’s Muslim population grows, so too does the influence of Islamic law, or Shariah, in daily life […]