October 4, 2009

Opinion: More Insults, Please

Insults are a longstanding part of free expression in much of the West but are under pressure in […]
October 3, 2009

Novelist fears Muslim backlash

A German publisher has canceled plans to publish a mass-market novel out of fears that it might face […]
October 2, 2009

Muslim cartoon fallout hits Yale: Author says issue overblown

Brandeis Professor Jytte Klausen, whose book on the Danish cartoon controversy was censured by Yale University Press, said […]
October 1, 2009

Guandolo: Florida Department of Law Enforcement earns an F

John D Guandolo, a 12 year veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, gives the Florida Department of […]
October 1, 2009

Former Muslim receiving death threats

Sabri Husibi, a former Muslim who is now an atheist, says he has been ostracized and threatened with […]
October 1, 2009

Opinion: Why I drew the cartoon: The ‘Muhammad Affair’ in retrospect

Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, creator of the “crisis” cartoons, writes: “When –in early September 2005– I got a […]
September 30, 2009

Suspected act of honor-violence in UK

A man in the UK dragged his daughter into the house by the hair, threatened her and hit […]
September 30, 2009

Bumps on the road towards a burqa ban in France

In France, official debate on a possible burqa ban continues. via:[http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2009/09/30/bumps-on-the-road-towards-a-burqa-ban-in-france/]
September 29, 2009

Husband Charged in Murder of Sterling Heights Woman

A murder in Detroit is raising awareness of the plight of women in situations of domestic violence and […]
September 28, 2009

“Unveil the girls and educate the boys”, say Belgian protesters

In a protest in Brussels, demonstrators called on Francophone authorities to ban religious symbols from public schools, using […]
September 28, 2009

Opinion: “Committed to free expression? What nonsense”

In the Times of London, Oliver Kamm criticizes Yale University Press for its censorship in a book on […]
September 28, 2009

Egypt anger over virginity faking

A leading Egyptian scholar has demanded that people caught importing a female virginity-faking device into the country should […]
September 28, 2009

Opinion: Forced Marriages in the UK–would you know what to do?

In 2008 The British Forced Marriage unit statistics recorded 1618 reports of possible forced marriage, of which 39% […]
September 26, 2009

Muslim women’s right to happiness under threat

In a letter to the editor of the Financial Times titled “Muslim women’s right to happiness under threat,” […]
September 25, 2009

Muslim ‘apostates’ in U.S. ask for protection

Five ex-Muslims who founded a group called Former Muslims United have put out a public appeal to the […]
September 25, 2009

Welfare and the burqa in the Netherlands

The Mayor of Amsterdam, Job Cohen, says in an interview with Dutch daily Trouw that he opposes the […]
September 25, 2009

Forced marriage foiled in Fargo, North Dakota

A forced marriage between Bosnian teens has been foiled in Fargo, North Dakota: “The parents often get together […]
September 23, 2009

Police changes target ‘honour’ crimes

Hundreds more so-called honor crimes could be recorded by police under a British drive to bring offenders to […]
September 19, 2009

Scandinavia fights female genital mutilation

Sweden, Denmark and Norway try to stop genital mutilation among immigrants at home and abroad. via:[http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/europe/090916/scandinavia-female-genital-mutilation?page=0,0]
September 18, 2009

Teen at center of rights suit

Abercrombie & Fitch is being sued by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for allegedly not hiring a […]