November 19, 2009

Malta Imam: chopping off hands of thieves “deserving punishment”

Following a televised debate where Imam Mohamed El Sadi, the Muslim leader in Malta, said chopping off the […]
November 15, 2009

A nation in fear of being seen as anti-Muslim

In the Independent, Ruth Edwards writes: “There’s a climate of fear in the US among the military, law-enforcers, […]
November 14, 2009

Weisberg on Obama and diplomacy

Jacob Weisberg writes: “The president needs to dip into his reservoir of good will to remind mainstream Muslims […]
November 13, 2009

‘Multiculturalism doesn’t mean anything goes,’ minister tells potential immigrants

A new citizenship guide for potential immigrants to Canada flatly declares that new Canadians may not engage in […]
November 12, 2009

Sarkozy: No place for burqas in France

French President Nicolas Sarkozy says there is no place for full face and body veils such as the […]
November 12, 2009

Feminist Asra Nomani comments on the Ft. Hood shootings

Muslim reformer and feminist Asra Nomani says Nidal Hasan’s radicalization is emblematic of the struggle that is going […]
November 12, 2009

Farani: ‘Angel of Freedom’ Neda Agha Soltan Oxford scholarship will be her most important legacy

Leyla Farani writes that Oxford University’s Neda Agha Soltan scholarship will honor the many Iranian students, past and […]
November 12, 2009

‘Nothing went wrong here,’ cop rep says, after chief’s apology to Muslims

In an unprecedented move, Windsor (Canada) police chief Gary Smith has publicly apologized to the Muslim community for […]
November 11, 2009

German Head-Scarf Killer Given Life Sentence

Alex Wiens, who killed an Egyptian woman in Dresden in July, has been sentenced to life in prison: […]
November 11, 2009

Scholarship in honor of Neda draws criticism from Iran

Iran has condemned England’s Oxford University for creating a scholarship in honor of Neda Agha-Soltan, a 27-year-old philosophy […]
November 11, 2009

Muslim lawyer ordered not to wear headscarf at Spanish court

A Spanish female lawyer has filed a complaint against a judge who ordered her to leave the courtroom […]
November 10, 2009

Justice minister revises anti-burqa statement

Swiss Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf has revised an earlier statement that she would ban the burqa in Switzerland: […]
November 9, 2009

Inside the Gunman’s Mosque

Noted feminist and reformer Asra Nomani analyzes the shooting in Fort Hood and writes: “For ideologues, in a […]
November 9, 2009

Despite ban, Holder to speak to CAIR-linked group

Attorney General Eric Holder has agreed to give a keynote speech next week to a Michigan group which […]
November 9, 2009

Voltaire Press at Duke University publishes cartoons

Voltaire Press at Duke University has just published “Muhammad The ‘Banned’ Images”: the book includes all the images […]
November 5, 2009

Syrian courts continue to view “honor” motive as extenuating circumstance

Syrian courts continue to display lenience for culprits in “honor” killing cases, viewing the “honor” motive as an […]
November 5, 2009

Neda’s mother: She was ‘like an angel’

More than four months after Neda Agha Soltan’s death at the hands of Iran’s Basij militia troops, her […]
November 4, 2009

Egyptian parents don’t want to raise their children in the Netherlands

Last year as many as three hundred Egyptian-Dutch children were moved from Amsterdam to Egypt by their parents, […]
November 3, 2009

Court Impedes Effort to Rescue Kidnapped Girl

A bail order in Bangladesh has impeded police from rescuing a young Christian girl who was abducted and […]
November 3, 2009

‘Westernized’ Daughter Dies After Being Run Over by Father

20-year-old Noor Almaleki of Arizona, who was run over by her father for being “too Westernized”, has died […]