February 5, 2010

France denies citizenship to Moroccan man over burka

A Moroccan immigrant has been denied French citizenship after admitting that he forced his wife to wear a […]
February 4, 2010

Indonesia’s Anti-Pornography Law Raises Fears for Minorities, Liberals

The recent arrest of six people in Indonesia over a nightclub show is raising concerns among minority groups […]
February 4, 2010

Burqa becomes focus of tense debate in Europe

In a debate on the burqa, Ayaan Hirsi Ali said: “What we are seeing in Europe is that […]
February 2, 2010

Letter to the editor: No place for Sharia law in Jamaica

Following calls to implement Shari’a law in Jamaica, Anthony Gordon writes: “In the 21st century, there is no […]
February 2, 2010

From Quebec to France: forced marriages still exist

Madeline Lamboley, a PhD student from the Universite de Montreal School of Criminology, hopes to create more data […]
February 2, 2010

UW-Madison speaker critical of Islam, draws Muslims’ criticism

At a lecture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ayaan Hirsi Ali said “We must use intelligence and reason […]
February 1, 2010

Iran’s judiciary chief refuses to speed executions

Iran’s judiciary chief said Monday he will not give in to political pressure to speed up the execution […]
January 29, 2010

Agreement between Rifqa Bary, parents to settle conflict short-lived

The agreement between Rifqa Bary and her parents to settle their conflict through counseling has ended without a […]
January 29, 2010

No More Honor Killings

In an article titled “No More honor killings”, Melik Kaylan writes: “Abuses like these are not exclusive to […]
January 28, 2010

Forced marriage victims’ calls going unanswered

Calls for help from forced marriage victims are being ignored because the British Government has cut funding to […]
January 28, 2010

Europe must end the mutilation of its women

Jet Bussemaker, the Dutch Deputy Health Minister, writes: “National efforts to end the practice of female genital mutilation […]
January 28, 2010

Danish government urges full use of existing rules limiting face veil and burqa

Denmark’s government says face-covering Muslim veils don’t belong in Danish society but no ban is needed because their […]
January 28, 2010

Vanderbilt Imam stirs controversy

Vanderbilt Islamic chaplain Awadh Binhazim has stirred controversy by endorsing the death penalty for homosexuals, arguing “I don’t […]
January 28, 2010

French Mosque Raided by Islamic Radicals

The head of a mosque in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris, was targeted Monday by a gang […]
January 27, 2010

In France, Parliamentary panel recommends a burka ban in public institutions

Muslim women should not be allowed to wear burkas in public institutions, including banks, post offices, schools and […]
January 25, 2010

Single British Asian mums losing their ‘honour babies’

Some single British Asian women are being forced by their families to give up their children as so-called […]
January 25, 2010

Islamists New Weapon: Libel Law

Libel suits are not normally associated with national security, but a case the Texas Supreme Court ruled on […]
January 24, 2010

Hirsi Ali criticises western ‘appeasement’ of Islam

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Sunday accused the world’s liberal democracies of appeasing radical Muslims: “In the West, people […]
January 22, 2010

West African genital cutters face fatwa, jail

In many parts of West Africa, female genital mutilation has been presented as a religious obligation for Muslim […]
January 21, 2010

Saudi girl, 13, sentenced to 90 lashes after she took a mobile phone to school

A 13-year-old Saudi schoolgirl is to be given 90 lashes in front of her classmates after she was […]