April 23, 2010

Road to Radicalism: The Man Behind the ‘South Park’ Threats

Joshua Rhett Miller investigates Zachary Adam Chesser, the man behind the South Park threats through the US-based group […]
April 23, 2010

Most French want burqa law, but not total ban

Two-thirds of French people want a law limiting the use of face-covering Islamic veils such as the niqab […]
April 23, 2010

Seattle cartoonist launches “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day”

After Comedy Central cut a portion of a South Park episode following a death threat from a radical […]
April 23, 2010

Matt Stone and Trey Parker comment on the controversy

South Park’s creators Trey Parket and Matt Stone address the controversy surrounding the Prophet Mohammed in an interview […]
April 22, 2010

Muslim woman in Canada fears reprisal

A Muslim woman fighting to stay in Canada fears being disfigured with acid for allegedly “bringing shame” to […]
April 22, 2010

“South Park” Episode Is Altered After Muslim Group’s Warning

An episode of “South Park” that continued a story line involving the Prophet Muhammad was shown Wednesday night […]
April 22, 2010

Saudi Arabia to introduce minimum marriage age after 11-year-old wins divorce

Saudi Arabia could introduce a minimum age of marriage for the first time after a girl who married […]
April 22, 2010

Danish cartoonist at centre of Muhammad controversy on leave ‘for security reasons’

Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, who has been attacked and repeatedly threatened over a drawing of Prophet Muhammad, has […]
April 21, 2010

Court awards damages after genital mutilation test

Uppsala Municipality has been ordered to pay 60,000 kronor ($8,400) to the family of a girl of Somali […]
April 21, 2010

Outspoken German professor of Islam is no longer a Muslim

Muhammad Kalish, an outspoken German professor of Islam, whose initial appointment angered Muslim groups, has renounced Islam, the […]
April 20, 2010

Protection orders for girls held to be at risk of forced marriage

A High Court judge in Belfast has imposed protection orders regarding two girls he held to be at […]
April 19, 2010

Stoning story draws attention of Turkish women’s federation

Following media reports about a powerful film depicting an Iranian woman’s stoning coming to Turkey, a leading women’s […]
April 19, 2010

Iranian Cleric Says Promiscuous Women Are to Blame for Earthquakes

A senior Iranian cleric says women who wear revealing clothing and behave promiscuously are to blame for earthquakes: […]
April 16, 2010

Australian Judge warns of honour killing difficulties

Australian courts face difficulties in dealing with honor killing crimes and forced marriage cases, Chief Justice of the […]
April 14, 2010

Suspect held in slayings of wife, baby son, two young nieces

A Chicago man has killed his wife, his son and two nieces: the wife’s sister and a neighbor […]
April 12, 2010

Police: AZ ‘Honor Killing’ Suspect May have Been Aided by Family

Police documents in the case of a Glendale father accused of slaying his daughter in an “honor killing” […]
April 11, 2010

Met allows Islamic protesters to throw shoes

Scotland Yard has bowed to Islamic sensitivities and accepted that Muslims are entitled to throw shoes in ritual […]
April 11, 2010

British girl of 10 kept in Saudi hell hole for 11 years by her dad

A British girl kept in Saudi Arabia by her father has succeeded in reuniting with her British mother: […]
April 7, 2010

Jordan honor killings draw tough response. Finally

More than seven months after the government restructured the legal system to deal with honor crimes as normal […]
April 5, 2010

Rifqa Bary

A teenage girl who converted to Christianity and ran away from home is being blocked by her Muslim […]