May 18, 2010

Saudi woman beats up religious police officer who stopped her for walking with a man

When a Saudi religious policeman questioned a young couple walking together in an amusement park he got a […]
May 17, 2010

Saudi editor Jamal Khashoggi resigns from of al-Watan

A leading Saudi Arabian journalist has resigned from his post as editor-in-chief of one of the country’s more […]
May 16, 2010

Iran jails women activists, arrests top former MP

Iran has sentenced in absentia award-winning women’s rights activist Shadi Sadr and another fellow activist to jail and […]
May 14, 2010

Muhammad cartoonist in hiding after arson attack

Swedish artist Lars Vilk said Sunday he doesn’t feel safe in his home at night, after a week […]
May 13, 2010

Vilks website hacked as cyber hate grows

The website of artist Lars Vilks was hacked on Wednesday, just a day after the 53-year-old was attacked […]
May 13, 2010

Roadshow warning over forced marriages to start

The first UK roadshow aiming to stop South Asian youngsters being forced into marriages abroad is due to […]
May 11, 2010

Lars Vilks Attacked at Uppsala University

Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks was attacked when his lecture was interrupted at Uppsala University. via:[]
May 10, 2010

Worldwide Trends in Honor Killings

In the Middle East Quarterly, Phyllis Chesler writes: “to combat the epidemic of honor killings requires understanding what […]
May 10, 2010

Op-Ed: Help Young Muslims Resist ‘Jihad Cool’

On NPR, Muslim reformer Asra Nomani warns of “Jihad cool” and of the harsh criticism of the West […]
May 7, 2010

My Fellow Muslims, We Must Wake Up!

Zuhdi Jasser writes that we remain suffocated by “a willful blindness to political Islam and its common pathway […]
May 6, 2010

Group Backs Ritual “nick” as Female Circumcision Option

In a controversial change to a longstanding policy concerning the practice of female circumcision in some African and […]
May 4, 2010

Tearing Away the Veil

In the New York Times, the mayor of Meaux (France), Jean-Francois Cope argues that banning the burqa affirms […]
May 3, 2010

Europe must defend free expression

Urging European countries to defend freedom of expression vigorously, Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, writes: […]
May 3, 2010

Women MPs warn public on female circumcision

Female legislators in Uganda have warned people who still practice female genital mutilation to stop or risk being […]
May 3, 2010

MEP calls for Europe-wide burqa ban

German MEP Silvana Koch-Mehrin has called for a Europe-wide ban on the wearing of the burqa: “”The burqa […]
May 2, 2010

Some profit from wives despite French polygamy ban

Experts say polygamy in France can also be linked to fraud, where husbands hijack a generous social welfare […]
May 2, 2010

Runaway Saudi Women and Girls on the Rise

The number of young Saudi women running away from their homes is on the rise, a local aid […]
May 2, 2010

In Pursuit of Prey, Carrying Philosophy

Dwight Garner reviews Paul Berman’s book “The Flight of the Intellectual” in the New York Times and writes: […]
April 30, 2010

Police save 15-year-old girl from forced marriage

German police saved a 15-year-old Hamburg girl from a forced marriage this week, freeing her from the family […]
April 30, 2010

CAIR’s Irresponsible Dismissal of the “South Park” Threat

Analyst Steve Emerson argues that the Council on American Islamic Relations’ dismissed the ‘South Park’ threat in an […]