June 1, 2010

Afghan president takes ‘personal interest’ in suspended NGOs

The Afghan government has suspended two Christian aid groups after a TV show reported they were proselytising, which […]
May 28, 2010

‘No support’ for female circumcision

Dr Ted Weaver, president of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG), said […]
May 27, 2010

Push to let Australian doctors perform genital “nick”

The Royal Australian New Zealand College of Obstetricians will next month discuss backing “ritual nicks”, a modified form […]
May 26, 2010

Saudi Princess to Religious Police: Loosen Your Grip on the Population and Fight Government Corruption

In her column in the government daily Al-Madina, Saudi Princess Basma bint Saud attacked the Saudi religious police, […]
May 26, 2010

Doctors Reverse Stand on Circumcision

The American Academy of Pediatrics has reversed its decision last month regarding the practice of female circumcision by […]
May 25, 2010

Two women acquitted on apostasy in Iran

Fourteen months after being arrested for their Christian faith, two young Iranian women were acquitted on apostasy charges: […]
May 25, 2010

Finland: Immigrant Kids in Cultural Conflict with Parents

Children’s welfare officials in Helsinki say the number of immigrant children who have been taken into protective care […]
May 24, 2010

Kenya court rules Islamic courts are illegal

Kenya’s Islamic courts are illegal and discriminatory, a panel of judges has ruled: the three judges said the […]
May 22, 2010

Mosque pray-ins against segregation of sexes are springing up

“Pray-in” protests have sprung up in Muslim communities across the country in the past decade as women’s rights […]
May 21, 2010

Why Are American Doctors Mutilating Girls?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali argues the American Academy of Pediatrics’ proposal to aid in female genital mutilation gives tacit […]
May 21, 2010

Pressure for female genital cutting lingers in the U.S.

The United States has outlawed female genital cutting, but cultural and religious pressures to circumcise girls linger among […]
May 21, 2010

Family strife blamed for high suicide rate among Turkish women

While a nationwide study has yet to be undertaken, regional data from Cologne and Frankfurt shows that young […]
May 21, 2010

Sweden launches inquiry into forced marriage

The Swedish government has announced the launch of an inquiry aimed at tightening legislation banning forced and child […]
May 20, 2010

Pakistan blocks YouTube over un-Islamic content

The Pakistani government blocked access to YouTube on Thursday because of “sacrilegious” content in a growing Internet crackdown […]
May 19, 2010

Pakistan blocks Facebook in row over Muhammad drawings

Pakistan today blocked Facebook indefinitely in response to public outrage over a competition on the social networking site […]
May 19, 2010

Sarkozy calls burqa ban bill a ‘moral’ choice

French President Nicolas Sarkzoy has defended a draft government bill to ban full Islamic veils such as the […]
May 19, 2010

France moves one step closer to burqa ban

The French Council of Ministers approved a measure Wednesday to ban the wearing of full-face veils, sending the […]
May 19, 2010

France: Burqa debate turns into fistfight

A debate organised by “Ni putes ni soumises”, a French NGO, Tuesday night in Paris, on the question […]
May 18, 2010

American College of Pediatricians Opposes All Forms of Female Genital Cutting

The American College of Pediatricians argues the American Academy of Pediatrics’ call for a “nick” on the clitoral […]
May 18, 2010

Spanish town to debate veil ban

A Spanish town is to debate calls for a ban on wearing the full-face Islamic veil in public […]