June 16, 2015

Women Forced to Undergo FGM Find Strength to Break the Silence

Ayaan When Ayaan Hirsi Ali, founder of the AHA Foundation, underwent female genital mutilation (FGM) in her native […]
June 16, 2015

Honor Violence on Film: A Different Type of Activism

In our increasingly interconnected world, information and facts about grave human rights abuses like honor violence are only […]
May 20, 2015

Vacation Cutting: An Illegal Practice Still Running Rampant

Summer is the season of vacation cutting. Many girls living in the US will be taken to countries […]
May 19, 2015

Filled with Hope and Empowerment, “I am Inspired by Ayaan” Essays’ Quotes Rekindle the Power of Storytelling

“In restoring to me my very own story, you helped me regain my power…” -Jessica S. We have […]
May 19, 2015

Ayaan Takes ‘Heretic’ on the Road to Canada and Europe

Since the launch of Heretic in March, Ayaan Hirsi Ali has taken every available opportunity to speak out […]
May 4, 2015

Honor Killings in America – Ayaan Hirsi Ali in ‘The Atlantic’

Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, gets it. “I don’t see,” he told me this week, “how […]
April 16, 2015

“My Story” by Knackered

**This blog was submitted to the AHA Foundation as part of an “I Am Inspired by Ayaan” Call […]
April 15, 2015

“Anyone (Even Myself) Can Fight in a ‘War of Ideas'” by John A.

**This blog was submitted to the AHA Foundation as part of an “I Am Inspired by Ayaan” Call […]
April 15, 2015

“My Atheist Sister” by Simone G.

**This blog was submitted to the AHA Foundation as part of an “I Am Inspired by Ayaan” Call […]
March 24, 2015

Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now

From Ayaan’s Desktop   I have dedicated my life to speaking out when my conscience guides me to […]
February 20, 2015

The Key to Fighting Radical Extremism and Terror: A Response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

In his recent State of the Union address, President Obama spoke about the U.S. taking a support role […]
January 10, 2015

Gender Equality Is a Powerful Weapon Against Radical Extremism

Outrageous.  Ten journalists and two policemen murdered in cold blood in Paris. As a career-long fighter for human […]
May 19, 2014

“Boko Haram sincerely believes that girls are better off enslaved than educated.” – Ayaan Hirsi Ali

In case you missed it, please take a moment to read Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s recent article on Boko […]
April 1, 2014

Breakthrough: The UK Prosecutes Its First FGM Cases

Thirty years after first banning the practice, the UK announced last month that it will prosecute its first […]
March 13, 2014

Moral Courage and a Love Marriage

“As a child, I was told that a good Afghan girl does not do anything that will bring […]
February 5, 2014

Lessons from the Shafia Mass Honor Killing

During the AHA Foundation’s Third Annual Conference on Honor Violence, Forced Marriage, and Female Genital Mutilation, held in […]
December 20, 2013

The AHA Foundation 2013 Annual Report

New York, NY December 2013 Dear AHA Supporter: We are pleased to present to you the AHA Foundation […]
November 20, 2013

Meet Kamala Khan

There’s a new superhero in town, and she’s not your typical white guy in a cape. The newest […]
October 31, 2013

New Statistics on Child Marriage Around the World

The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and Girls Not Brides (GNB) have examined the practice of […]
October 9, 2013

Fighting Sudan’s Legitimized Honor Violence

Amira Osman Hamed is a Sudanese woman facing a punishment of forty lashes for not wearing a headscarf […]