
April 18, 2012

In Afghanistan, a water tank poisoning illustrates the risks women face in pursuing an education.

Educating girls is such an important step in empowering them. We’re saddened to hear about the dangers girls […]
April 16, 2012

Westerners are leaving atheists and Christians bereft in the ”Arab winter”, human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali says.

Westerners are leaving atheists and Christians bereft in the ”Arab winter”, human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali says. […]
April 9, 2012

In Pakistan, the suicide of a girl scarred for life by a vengeful man’s “acid attack” has brought new focus to “acid attacks”.

In Pakistan, the suicide of a girl scarred for life by a vengeful man’s acid attack has brought […]
April 4, 2012

CBS News reports that ‘honor’ killings are under growing scrutiny in the U.S., and reports on the work of the AHA Foundation.

CBS News reports that ‘honor’ killings are under growing scrutiny in the U.S., and reports on the work […]
April 4, 2012

In an interview with Canada’s Globe and Post, Ayaan discusses freedom of expression and religious freedom.

In an interview with Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper, Ayaan discusses freedom of expression and religious freedom. Via:[]
April 4, 2012

Countering Saudi Mufti’s call to destroy all Churches, group of liberal Austrian Muslims push for constructing a Church in Saudi Arabia

In Austria, a group of liberal Muslims are seeking to counter a recent call by the Saudi grand […]
April 4, 2012

Britain’s forced marriage victims are being coerced to marry in more far flung places and at a much younger age than previously thought, reports the Independent.

Britain’s forced marriage victims are being coerced to marry in more far flung places and at a much […]
April 4, 2012

The youngest victim protected by the UK’s Forced Marriage Unit in 2011 was only 5 years old, reports the BBC.

The youngest victim protected by the UK’s Forced Marriage Unit in 2011 was only 5 years old, reports […]
April 3, 2012

Saving Face, a new documentary, chronicles the lives of acid-attack survivors Zakia and Rukhsana in Pakistan as they attempt to bring their assailants to justice and move on with their lives.

Saving Face, a new documentary, chronicles the lives of acid-attack survivors Zakia and Rukhsana as they attempt to […]
April 3, 2012

In Switzerland, leading Islamic groups are seeking to establish a single national representative body based on Sharia law, worrying women’s rights advocates.

In Switzerland, leading Islamic groups are seeking to establish a single national representative body based on Sharia law. […]
April 3, 2012

In spite of recent legal reforms, women’s rights in Morocco remain under pressure, as the recent suicide of a 16-year-old girl following a forced marriage illustrates.

In spite of recent legal reforms, women’s rights in Morocco remain under pressure, as the recent suicide of […]
April 3, 2012

Under Sharia tribunals in the UK, women are victims, writes Charlotte Rachael Proudman

Under Sharia tribunals in the UK, women are victims. Via:[]
April 3, 2012

Egyptian woman saved by fisherman from ‘honor’ killing

A fisherman saved the life of a young Egyptian woman after her parents threw her into the Nile […]
April 3, 2012

Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada denounced ‘honor’ crimes against women

Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada visited a Montreal centre for victims of family violence to denounce crimes […]
April 3, 2012

“Honor killings” require tougher laws, say Iraqi women

“Honor killings” require tougher laws, say Iraqi women. Via:[]