
February 6, 2015

As Immigration to the US Increases, So Do Cases of FGM

Obstetricians and gynecologists in the United States are finding that as immigration from Africa increases, so do cases […]
February 6, 2015

Men Denounce FGM after Watching Documentary

After watching a documentary on FGM, a group of men break out in tears and vehemently denounce the […]
February 6, 2015

FGM Affects Three Times More People in the US than Previously Thought

The Centers for Disease Control will release a study today, International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, stating […]
February 4, 2015

UNICEF Highlights the Importance of Education over Child Marriage

A powerful video produced by UNICEF compares the lives of girls in Chad who are forced into marriage […]
January 31, 2015

Forced Marriage Survivor Pens Letter to Mother

One survivor of forced marriage, who was ultimately able to escape from India back to London, writes a […]
January 30, 2015

Indiewire Gives Positive Review of “The Price of Honor”

Popular independent film website, Indiewire, gives “The Price of Honor” a positive review. The Price of Honor is […]
January 26, 2015

Egypt: First Ever Conviction against Performing FGM

Though FGM has been illegal in Egypt since 2008, no court has prosecuted anyone for performing the procedure […]
January 16, 2015

Cosmopolitan UK Created Mock Cover to Raise Awareness About Honor Killings

Cosmopolitan UK has created a mock up cover of its February issue featuring a woman suffocating on the […]
January 8, 2015

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Keep Charlie Hebdo Alive

Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris, Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains the importance of keeping the publication’s images […]
January 7, 2015

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Urges the West to Acknowledge the Roots of Terror

While many wish to view the Paris attacks against Charlie Hebdo as an isolated incident, Ayaan Hirsi Ali […]
December 12, 2014

Yaser Said Added to FBI’s Ten Most Wanted

Yaser Said committed honor killings against his daughters, Amina and Sarah, on January 1st, 2008. Since the murders, […]
December 8, 2014

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Discusses the Need for Western Feminists to Tackle Harmful Traditional Practices

Ayaan Hirsi Ali discusses the need for Western feminists to tackle harmful traditional practices and discusses the AHA […]
December 8, 2014

Anti-FGM Billboards Appear in the US

The team behind the documentary “Honor Diaries,” which explores honor violence, installed two billboards condemning FGM. The billboards […]
December 5, 2014

Mandatory FGM Reporting in the UK

While performing FGM is a crime in the Untied Kingdom, only 2 cases have been prosecuted; given the […]
November 20, 2014

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Time for Thanks

Ayaan Hirsi Ali discusses what she’s thankful for, saying “For us women in the US, in the West, […]