
January 6, 2011

Opinion: Feminists’ dilemma: How to respond to Muslim oppression

Nina Funnell writes: “Western feminists have been far too politically correct in their approaches: Muslim women may not […]
January 5, 2011

The real blasphemy

Saroop Ijaz argues that repealing Pakistan’s blasphemy law is key to fighting terrorism. via:[,0,3365471.story]
January 5, 2011

‘Cover up’ claims over Asian sex gangs

Charities and agencies working with victims of sexual abuse have been accused of covering up the role of […]
January 5, 2011

‘Pakistan in grip of Islamic extremism’

The tragic killing of Salman Taseer, governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province in Islamabad on Tuesday by a member […]
January 4, 2011

White women convert to Islam

White women lead the growing number of people converting to Islam, says a report out today: the number […]
January 4, 2011

Christian convert in Afghanistan faces the death penalty for apostasy

A convert to Christianity in Pakistan, Shoaib Assadullah faces the death penalty. via:[]
January 3, 2011

Afghan women speak out on abuse from behind mask

In a CNN report, Afghan women speak out on abuse from behind mask. via:[]
January 3, 2011

Kabul women-only park reopens thanks to USAID

� A women-only park that was closed under Taliban rule and turned into a garbage dump has new […]
January 3, 2011

Facts about female genital mutilation

The Vancouver Sun has published a list of facts about female genital mutilation. via:[]
January 2, 2011

Iraqi Immigrant to Be Tried for Daughter’s ‘Honor Killing’ in Arizona

An Iraqi immigrant accused of killing his daughter because he believed she was too Westernized goes on trial […]
December 27, 2010

AHA Foundation releases documents

The AHA Foundation has released a number of documents, including a list of European “best practices”, a resource […]
December 27, 2010

In Kenya, Female circumcision still eludes the law

In Kenya, female genital mutilation still eludes the law. via:[]
December 23, 2010

Sharia Court Launches Major Challenge to Protection of Women Act

The Asian Human Rights Commission reports that a Sharia Court in Pakistan has launched a major challenge to […]
December 22, 2010

Man murders mother in India courtroom ‘honour killing’

A man shot dead his mother in a courtroom in Pakistan’s Punjab province in what is being described […]
December 21, 2010

Harry Potter Actress Refuses to Testify Against Family

The brother of a British Muslim actress who starred in the Harry Potter films pleaded guilty to assaulting […]