
March 18, 2011

Goldstein: Why it’s barbaric

In the Toronto Sun, Lorrie Goldstein writes: “the only reason I can think of that Liberal MP Justin […]
March 13, 2011

Nomad: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations by Ayaan Hirsi Ali – review

The Guardian’s Alexander Linklater reviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Nomad and calls the work “electrifying”. via:[]
March 13, 2011

Christian Woman Freed from Muslim Kidnappers in Pakistan

A Christian mother of seven in Pakistan who last August was kidnapped, raped, sold into marriage and threatened […]
March 12, 2011

The Daily Beast’s Women in the World Summit

Debate: Is Europe Stigmatizing the Veil The women of the AHA Foundation were truly inspired by and honored […]
March 12, 2011

Thousands of girls reportedly being subjected to honour-related violence in Finland

Thousands of girls in Finland, particularly in immigrant families with a Muslim background are reportedly afraid of their […]
March 10, 2011

Muslim American groups, not Rep. Pete King, are the ones fomenting hysteria with hearings on tap

Steven Emerson observes that Muslim American groups, not Rep Pete King, are the ones fomenting hysteria with hearings […]
March 10, 2011

Witnesses up to the task of studying jihad recruitment

In the Washington Post’s Voices section, Jennifer Rubin writes that Representative Peter King should call additional witnesses who […]
March 10, 2011

Our Secret Connections with the Muslim Brotherhood

In the New York Times review of books, Ian Johnson writes: “As US-backed strongmen around North Africa and […]
March 9, 2011

Council of States dismisses burka ban

The Swiss Council of States dismissed a notion to ban burka wearing in Switzerland: the religious veil, which […]
March 9, 2011

Muslim women ‘should not travel more than 48 miles from home without male chaperone’

Muslim women have been banned from traveling more than 48 miles from their homes without being chaperoned by […]
March 8, 2011

Forced marriages ‘at record high’ – South Wales Police

South Wales Police say they are dealing with the largest number of cases of forced marriage and honour […]
March 8, 2011

New York TV exec gets 25 years to life for wife’s beheading

A former television executive was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison Wednesday for the beheading death […]
March 8, 2011

Women in polygamous marriages suffering psychological torture

Although Islam permits men taking more than one wife, the issue of polygamy remains a controversial one with […]
March 7, 2011

Profile Me, Please! King’s Muslim Hearings Are No Witch Hunt

Asra Nomani writes that Representative Peter King’s hearings are no witch hunt: Far from being harassment, Rep Peter […]
March 7, 2011

‘Virginity surgery’ is on the rise across Europe

Facing cultural and religious pressure, Muslim women in Europe are turning to hymenoplasty surgery to give the illusion […]