May 19, 2022

Buffalo and the myth of racist America – Ayaan Hirsi Ali in UnHerd

What connects the tragedies of May 25, 2020, and May 14, 2022? The straightforward answer, at least according […]
May 17, 2022

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Tackles Today’s Burning Issues: Her Writing, Podcasts, and Media Appearances Defending Western Freedoms and Ideals

“The right to think, to speak, and to write in freedom and without fear is ultimately a more […]
May 16, 2022

Jason Hill on Race in America – The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Podcast

Ayaan speaks with Jason Hill about free speech, immigration, and the power of individual agency. While they question […]
May 16, 2022

America’s Crisis of Self-Doubt – National Review

We live in an age of increasing national self-doubt. The American project, as such, is under assault. Our history […]
May 12, 2022

Child Marriage in America – A conversation with Fraidy Reiss, Survivor of Forced Marriage

Watch: Event Description: Fraidy Reiss is a forced marriage survivor turned activist. She was 19 when she was […]
May 12, 2022

How Social Media Crucially Helps and Hinders ex-Muslims – Focus on Western Islamism

Social media has played a contradictory role in helping ex-Muslims recount the abuse they have endured after leaving […]
May 10, 2022

The desperation of Biden’s Disinformation Board – Ayaan Hirsi Ali in UnHerd

In 1918, Woodrow Wilson’s Democratic administration passed a piece of legislation it hoped would accelerate the end of […]
May 9, 2022

Free Speech and Islamophobia Narrative

Join a conversation with writer, speaker, and activist Sarah Haider. Sarah is AHA Foundation’s campus program fellow from the University of […]
May 4, 2022

Webinar: Child marriage in the U.S. with Fraidy Reiss and students from the Fordham University

Join activist and forced marriage survivor Fraidy Reiss for a Q&A webinar on ending child marriage in the […]
May 4, 2022

The opposite of marriage – Genevieve Meyer in The Journal Gazette

America has a big child marriage problem. In the past year we have heard more about child marriage reaching […]
May 2, 2022

Ayaan Hirsi Ali at the Munk Dialogues

Activist, feminist, author, scholar and former politician, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the best selling author of Infidel and Heretic: Why Islam […]
April 29, 2022

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Yasmine Mohammed: Two ex-Muslims on Women’s Rights in Islam

Watch: Event Description: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, founder of the AHA Foundation, and Yasmine Mohammed, ex-Muslim and women’s rights […]
April 27, 2022

Filmmaker Emanuela Zuccalà on her New Documentary about FGM in Liberia: “I find it absurd that even today there are states where this harmful practice is still widespread.”

Filmmaker Emanuela Zuccalà on her new documentary about FGM in Liberia: “I find it absurd that even today […]
April 27, 2022

This isn’t a war between good and evil – UnHerd

The images emerging from Bucha are haunting. Dead civilians line the streets, many with their hands bound behind […]
April 22, 2022

Female Genital Mutilation Isn’t Just a Foreign Issue – Ms. Magazine

Texas Governor Greg Abbott waded into problematic territory when he called gender-affirming care for transgender minors “mutilation” and “child abuse.” […]
April 22, 2022

Opinion: Female Genital Mutilation Is More Common Than You Think – Prescott eNews

Chances are, you’ve never heard of “FGM,” also known as female genital mutilation. For Americans, FGM doesn’t hit […]
April 22, 2022

Peter Boghossian on his new Reverse Q&A tour and fighting illiberalism in academia: “Abysmal. That’s the one-word description of the state of free speech on college campuses.”

Published 5/3/2022 Until last September, Peter Boghossian was an assistant professor of philosophy at Portland State University. Faced […]
April 19, 2022

The Cocktail Party Contrarian: Everything in Moderation, Including Being a Moderate – The New York Sun

Years ago, after Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s now seminal book “Infidel” was first published, I attended a party for […]
April 19, 2022

Is Political Islam retreating after Imran Khan’s ouster in Pakistan? – CanIndia News

When Imran Khan had to unceremoniously give up the office of Prime Minister, he left behind a troubled […]
April 19, 2022

General Assembly passes bill to raise minimum marriage age to 17 – The Daily Record, Maryland

The General Assembly on Monday passed legislation to raise the minimum age for marriage in Maryland from 15 […]