December 5, 2022

Female genital mutilation: What it will take to end a dangerous tradition? – France 24

More than 200 million girls and women have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) across 30 countries, according to […]
December 5, 2022

Elon Musk says there wasn’t a single ‘breaking point’ that made him buy Twitter, but that he feared a rise in online ‘groupthink’ – Business Insider

Elon Musk said during a Twitter Space that there was no “breaking point” which made him buy the […]
December 5, 2022

10 men are facing terrorism charges for bombings in Brussels in 2016 that killed 32 people – France 24

A jury has been seated and proceedings are underway this Monday in Belgium’s largest trial ever. 10 men […]
November 30, 2022

Sara’s Story, Part 2: A Survivor of Child Marriage in the U.S. on Why She Fights to Change the Laws That Allowed Her Abuse: “These [current] laws put minors into an impossible legal situation, and expose them to multiple forms of abuse.”

Published 12/1/2022 Sara Tasneem was trapped in a marriage with a stranger when she was just 15 years […]
November 29, 2022

In Salzburg, at the first-ever CLARITy Coalition conference, Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s dream came true: “I hoped and dreamed that I would find common cause with Muslim dissidents to put our differences aside and work together to defeat Islamism. This weekend, a small piece of that dream is realized.”

The CLARITy Coalition conference took place over 3 days in Salzburg, Austria, at the historic lakeside Schloss Leopoldskron. […]
November 28, 2022

‘Going on offense’ against Islamist tyranny in Salzburg, Austria – Raheel Raza Report for Rebel News

You have heard me speak ad nauseum about the threat of Islamism, or political Islam – but you […]
November 9, 2022

Free speech is under threat, says Ayaan Hirsi Ali – 20th Reichmuth & Co Lecture at the University of Lucerne

AIn October 2022, our founder Ayaan Hirsi Ali gave the 20th Reichmuth & Co Lecture at the University […]
November 9, 2022

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Receives 2022 Frank Schirrmacher Prize—Read Her Acceptance Speech

Published 11/9/2022 On October 31, 2022, Ayaan Hirsi Ali was awarded the 2022 Frank Schirrmacher Foundation Prize, an […]
November 7, 2022

Global coalition vows to defeat political Islamism in the West – Arab News

SALZBURG: A global coalition formed to counter the spread of Islamist extremism in the West has held its […]
November 7, 2022

UK joins international treaty to prevent violence against women – BBC News

After a 10 year delay, an international treaty to combat violence against women has been integrated into UK […]
November 7, 2022

Sara’s Story, Part 1: A Survivor of Child Marriage in the U.S. On Her Ordeal and How She Won Her Freedom: “Being married to an older man was like being a prisoner. I didn’t even have control over my own body.”

Published 11/7/2022 Sara Tasneem was trapped in a marriage with a stranger when she was just 15 years […]
November 7, 2022

Bayor Chantal Ngoltoingar was told she would die if she ever spoke out about undergoing FGM. This is her story of survival—and refusing to be silenced.

Published 11/7/2022 Growing up in Chad, Bayor Chantal Ngoltoingar had a happy childhood—until the day she was forced […]
November 3, 2022

Can Suella Braverman take back control? – Ayaan Hirsi Ali in UnHerd

I almost feel sorry for Suella Braverman. One minute, the Home Secretary was living her best life, happily […]
November 3, 2022

She was the Queen of the West – Ayaan Hirsi Ali in The Spectator World

For much of my life, I confess I didn’t pay much attention to Queen Elizabeth II. My Muslim […]
November 3, 2022

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: On my birthday, you can help AHA Foundation unlock $50,000

Dear Friend, Last month, AHA Foundation celebrated its 15th anniversary. 15 years! I can hardly believe that it’s […]
November 2, 2022

The Oxymoron of Child Marriage in the United States – Sophie Forstner in Brown Political Review

In spring of this year, Tennessee legislators proposed a bill to create alternative legal pathways to marriage that […]
November 2, 2022

Islamists kill over 100 in Somalia – Modern Tokyo Times

Sunni Islamists have killed over 100 people in Somalia after two car bombs exploded. Once more, it highlights […]
November 2, 2022

Iran protests rage on in defiance of crackdown – France 24

Iranians staged new protest actions to denounce the country’s theocratic regime in defiance of a crackdown that is […]
November 2, 2022

Leicester and the whitewashing of Islamism – Hardeep Singh in Spiked

Leicester mayor Sir Peter Soulsby has established an independent inquiry into the violent disorder that rocked the east […]
November 2, 2022

Thank goodness we have Scottish courts defending free speech – Murdo Fraser in The Scotsman

It was Voltaire’s biographer, rather than the man himself, who came up with the phrase: “I hate what […]