January 24, 2017

AHA’s Most Popular Blog Posts of 2016

With the new year, we invite you to look back with us and catch up on the AHA […]
January 24, 2017

Amidst Torrential Rainfall and Floods, 10,000 People Show Up to Hear Ayaan Speak at MPSF Speaker Series in California

Earlier this month, AHA Foundation's program manager Kendall had an opportunity to listen to Ayaan give a speech […]
January 19, 2017

CPS ‘afraid to tackle honour crimes for fear of causing unrest in Asian communities’

The Crown Prosecution Service is failing to prosecute honour crimes for fear of causing “unrest” in Asian communities, […]
January 19, 2017

Metropolitan Police accuses honour crimes whistleblower of gross misconduct

A Scotland Yard whistleblower who claimed the Crown Prosecution Service is failing Asian female victims of honour crimes has […]
January 19, 2017

Call the Midwife confronts female genital mutilation in new series

Call The Midwife is to tackle the controversial issue of female genital mutilation, with a storyline set among the […]
January 6, 2017

Afghan returnee girls at risk of early marriage: report

Children of Afghan families returning from Pakistan, who do not go to school and have no access to […]
January 6, 2017

Drought forcing schoolgirls into marriage

DROUGHT is forcing Mozambican girls out of school and into forced marriages. School drop-outs in vulnerable provinces have […]
January 6, 2017

Syrian girls flee war only to become mothers in Jordan camp

In a crowded maternity clinic at a refugee camp in Jordan near the Syrian border, Elhem cradled her […]
January 6, 2017

Government defends foreign aid over report ‘Ethiopia’s Spice Girls’ receiving £5.2m to develop media platform

Overseas aid provides good value for money, the Government has insisted, after it was reported that an Ethiopian […]
January 6, 2017

Iran: 43 Thousand Cases of Child Marriage

On Sunday December 11th, 2016, the state-run newspaper, Shargh admitted to the disaster of child marriage in the […]
January 6, 2017

13-year-old girl forced to marry her ‘rapist’ step-brother

A man in his 20s has married his 13-year-old step-sister after making her pregnant. The marriage took place […]
January 6, 2017

Female Genital Mutilation is a Problem in the US

Interim Executive Director, Amanda Parker, was featured in an article written by VICE, Emmy Award Winning Documentary series […]
December 22, 2016

2016 Annual Report

From Ayaan’s vision of a future where women and girls are free to live lives of their own […]
December 14, 2016

Moving accounts from a forced marriage survivor Rubie Marie and fierce FGM critic and survivor Khadija Gbla; Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks with former CNN Chief Whitehouse Correspondent, and more…

Dear AHA Foundation Supporter, “There is a cost when you put your face to something,” shared Khadija Gbla, a […]
December 13, 2016

Khadija Gbla, Survivor of Female Genital Mutilation, Turned Her Anger with Injustice Into Action to Protect Girls at Risk of FGM

Since she was only 13 years old, FGM survivor Khadija Gbla has been an outspoken advocate working to […]
December 11, 2016

At InHer Circle Discussion, Ayaan Hirsi Ali Shares the Choice That Fuels the Mission of Her Life’s Work

Recently, AHA Foundation founder, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, sat down for a discussion with former CNN Chief White House […]
December 11, 2016

Rubie Marie, Ms. Galaxy International Queen and Survivor of Forced Marriage from the UK, Advocates to Empower

Published 12/11/2016 Born in the UK, Rubie Marie is a brave survivor of a forced marriage at the […]
December 6, 2016

Impoverished families flout Guatemala’s child marriage ban

A year after Guatemala passed a law banning child marriage, poor families who regard girls as a financial […]
December 6, 2016

Kyrgyzstan Ups Fight Against Child Marriage

“[E]veryone knows mullahs marry [people] at an early age,” the head of a community elders court told me […]
December 6, 2016

Early marriage and education, the chicken or the egg?

Ramallah, November 19, 2016—“I wish I could do it now,” said 24-year-old West Bank resident Basma, of the […]