March 22, 2017

Education is the Weapon Extremists Fear the Most, Especially if it’s in a Female Mind

The AHA Foundation was recently contacted by a doctor from Iraq who found our website while looking for […]
March 22, 2017

New York is Stepping Up to End Child Marriage – Can They Do Even More?

By Amanda Parker, AHA Foundation Senior Director Child Marriage in the US Each day around the world thousands […]
March 22, 2017

Meet George Zarubin, AHA Foundation’s New Executive Director

The AHA Foundation is thrilled to announce that after an extensive search, George Zarubin has been chosen to […]
March 20, 2017

The Teen Brides of Nepal: Married With Children Before Their Time

Sumina Pariyar is just a teenager, but looks older than her 17 years as she holds her coughing […]
March 20, 2017

Traditional rulers institute fines to stem child marriage

Henceforth, any parent in the Jirapa District who gives out his or her daughter who is less than […]
March 20, 2017

Bad laws underpin global “rape epidemic”, let rapists off the hook: report

From Lebanon where a rapist can escape punishment if he marries his victim to India where rape within […]
March 20, 2017

Canada announces support for sexual and reproductive health and rights

As part of its strong commitment to gender equality and a feminist lens, Canada is taking a leadership […]
March 20, 2017

Let’s Talk About Sex

Last week, at the “She Decides” conference in Brussels, government ministers met with representatives from NGOs, United Nations […]
March 20, 2017

Girls of Any Age Can Be Married in Bangladesh With New Law

A vague new child marriage law in Bangladesh invokes the parental permission loophole setting no minimum age for […]
March 20, 2017

Reluctant Mothers

The baby on Bharati’s lap could easily pass off for her kid brother. The sari and full sleeve […]
March 20, 2017

Mothers and Daughters in Conversation About Child Marriage at Human Rights Watch Film Festival

The trauma that child brides go through can last a lifetime. Forced to become wives and mothers before […]
March 20, 2017

Nepal’s Child Brides: One girl’s story shines a light on a pervasive problem

In Nepal, 37 percent of girls are married before the age of 18, despite the legal age of marriage […]
March 20, 2017

Sold into marriage – how Rohingya girls become child brides in Malaysia

The slight girl in a turquoise headscarf held back tears as she recalled what happened when she fled […]
March 20, 2017

Campaign To End Child Marriage In S. Sudan Launched In Juba

Save the Children’s Country Director Mr. Peter Walsh who delivered his speech at the opening ceremony of the […]
March 20, 2017

Malawai Changes Law To End Child Marriage

Malawi has made a historic amendment to its constitution to fully outlaw child marriage following a year-long campaign […]
March 16, 2017

Jasvinder Sanghera: I ran away to escape a forced marriage

Jasvinder Sanghera was locked in a room by her parents when she was 16, when she refused to […]
March 16, 2017

Boris Johnson: The world would be a better place if all girls went to school

I am always dubious about so-called silver bullets that allegedly solve a host of problems. “Life can’t be […]
March 16, 2017

Inside Britain’s sharia councils: hardline and anti-women – or a dignified way to divorce?

On a freezing, rainswept Sunday in a conference room in Birmingham Central mosque, a young woman in a […]
March 16, 2017

Bangladesh: Legalizing Child Marriage Threatens Girls’ Safety

The Bangladesh Government should move quickly to adopt regulations to limit the harms of a new law that […]
March 16, 2017

Women are suffering globally – we must act now

We, the members of the scientific and technical advisory group and the gender and rights advisory panel of […]