December 9, 2017

‘We Must Protect Our Girls.’ Will Pakistan Finally Vote to End Child Marriage? – Time

Aisha was 14 years old when she married a man almost a decade older in a match arranged […]
December 9, 2017

Child marriage has become less common in America. But it still exists – The Economist

SEXUAL mores change faster than the law does. This has been the case with child marriage, which is […]
December 9, 2017

How sharia marriages can hurt women in the West – The Economist

SHIRIN MUSA draws on bitter experience to inspire her work to help women caught between legal and cultural […]
December 9, 2017

It’s Time To Break The Silence Over This Shockingly Common Practice – Refinery 29

According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 200 million women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM), […]
December 9, 2017

House increases penalty for female genital mutilation – The Detroit News

he U.S. House on Tuesday unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Michigan Rep. Dave Trott that would […]
December 9, 2017

How to fight female genital mutilation with economics – CNN

Seleiman Bishagazi never enjoyed the benefits of a university education, but he’s smarter on a basic human rights […]
December 4, 2017

The Plot Behind Saudi Arabia’s Fight With Qatar – The New York Times

By Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Originally Published in The New York Times December 4, 2017. In June, Saudi Arabia […]
December 3, 2017

A Survivor Speaks Out After Escaping a Forced Marriage to an Al Qaeda Member, Dr. Faith Mwangi-Powell Discusses Her Work to End FGM, and More…

Dear AHA Foundation Supporter, As it stands, the federal penalty in the U.S. for cutting the genitals of […]
December 3, 2017

In Some Evangelical Circles, Grown Men Pursuing Teens Isn’t All That Unusual – Huffington Post

In the fundamentalist Christian circles that Samantha Field grew up in, the word “courtship” doesn’t evoke romantic images of […]
December 3, 2017

Senate passes Rep. Peter Lucido’s bill to protect children from mutilation – Clickon Detroit

State senators unanimously approved Rep. Peter Lucido’s legislation allowing the termination of parental rights for anyone who forces their […]
December 3, 2017

5 Reasons Why Child Marriage Affects Us All – Huffington Post

Our ambitious Sustainable Development Goals agenda serves to create progress that will improve lives across the world. But […]
December 3, 2017

Husband forces wife to undergo FGM – Standard

I was recently talking to a group of girlfriends about Culture and the topic on Female Genital Mutilation […]
December 3, 2017

Helping girls to study rather than become child brides – BBC News

Until you see it, it is difficult to conceive how much work many Rajasthani girls have to do […]
December 3, 2017

Female circumcision in Sri Lanka is ‘just a nick’, not mutilation: supporters – Reuters

Members of Sri Lanka’s Muslim communities have strongly condemned criticism of ancient cutting rituals performed on girls, saying […]
December 3, 2017

To end AIDS, we must tackle gender inequality – Stat

or nearly 30 years, the first day of December has offered an opportunity to unite in the fight […]
December 3, 2017

#MeToo Must Fight For Women In Refugee Camps, Not Just On Red Carpets – Huffington Post

This fall, #MeToo dominated the news cycle, as high-profile actress after high-profile actress came forward with their stories […]
December 3, 2017

Editorial: Child marriage’s end overdue for Florida – Sarasota Herald Tribune

At first glance, the headline seemed more appropriate for The Onion or another publication specializing in satire: “Momentum […]
December 3, 2017

Sweden Legalizes Child Marriages For Immigrants – EU Today

Sweden has legalized child marriages for immigrant pedophiles who wish to stay married to their underaged wives. In […]
December 3, 2017

The Guardian view on child marriage: wedlock is a padlock for girls – The Guardian

What kind of place would set the age of consent at 17 – but allow pregnant girls as […]
November 28, 2017

“Female Genital Mutilation, Child Marriage and Breastfeeding Across Cultures”

Event Description: “FGM, Child Marriage and Breastfeeding Across Cultures” was a talk by Elisabeth Ubbe, a Swedish photojournalist […]