June 29, 2011

Baroness Cox debates Sharia Bill on Radio 4

Sharia law is inherently discriminatory and is causing women in Britain to suffer, a prominent humanitarian campaigner has […]
June 28, 2011

Italy: Moroccan immigrant murders wife for being ‘too Western’

A Moroccan carpenter living in northern Italy is suspected of stabbing his wife to death because she wanted […]
June 23, 2011

A weak America roars but retreats when the going gets tough

In the Financial Times, Ayaan writes about proposals to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan, writing we’re perceived as […]
June 22, 2011

A roadshow tackling the issues of honour-based violence shows there is a way out for victims

In the UK, a roadshow tackling the issues related to “honor” based violence shows there is a way […]
June 21, 2011

Muslim Woman Escapes Jail by Remaining Behind Her Burqa Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/muslim/2011/06/21/muslim-woman-escapes-jail-remaining-behind-her-burqa#ixzz1Q2BK7pJD

In Australia, a Muslim woman has escaped jail by remaining behind her burqa: the woman in question had […]
June 21, 2011

Reformed practitioners of Female Genital Mutilation receive aid

In Uganda, at least 254 former “practitioners” of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Sebei have received grinding machines […]
June 16, 2011

Specialist raising issue of female circumcision

The practice of FGM might seem a distant problem, taking place as it does mainly in African countries, […]
June 15, 2011

Pakistan’s female madrassas breed radicalism

Pakistan’s female madrassas breed radicalism. via:[http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/15/us-pakistan-women-idUSTRE75E27T20110615?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FworldNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+International%29]
June 15, 2011

Sweden to help youth escape forced marriages

Sweden will teach its diplomats how to protect Swedish youth from forced marriages they could be subjected to […]
June 14, 2011

Dangers to women in South Asia

From forced marriages in Afghanistan and “honor killings” in Pakistan to feticide in India and trafficking in Nepal, […]
June 13, 2011

Gruesome details emerge in ‘honour killing’ retrial

The re-trial of the so-called Hogsby ‘honour killing’ opened in southern Sweden on Monday with the parents of […]
June 12, 2011

Police ‘covered up’ violent campaign to turn London area ‘Islamic’

In the UK, police have been accused of “covering up” a campaign of abuse, threats and violence aimed […]
June 12, 2011

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors

The Obama administration is leading a global effort to deploy “shadow” Internet and mobile phone systems that dissidents […]
June 11, 2011

Genital mutilation to be outlawed

The Swiss Senate unanimously agreed to ask the government to prepare an amendment to the criminal law to […]
June 10, 2011

Turkey: Backward Step for Women’s Rights

The Turkish government’s changes to the current Ministry for Women and Family is a step backward in its […]
June 9, 2011

The state cannot curb sharia law alone

British commentator Andrew Brown writes “sharia rulings, especially the informal ones, already derive much of their force from […]
June 8, 2011

Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques

A study of 100 American mosques found that “51 percent of mosques had texts that either advocated the […]
June 8, 2011

UK bill limiting sharia law is motivated by ‘concern for Muslim women’

Islamic courts would be forced to acknowledge the primacy of English law under a bill being introduced in […]
June 7, 2011

07/06/2011German police say foiled forced-marriage kidnap bid

German police said Tuesday they had foiled a bid by two Turks to kidnap a 17-year-old girl for […]
June 6, 2011

The AHA Foundation Honor Violence Symposium

On June 6th, 2011, the AHA Foundation held the first ever conference on honor violence and forced marriage […]