November 8, 2011

In Turkey, “honor” killings claim new victims

The long history of “honor killing” against women and girls is well documented in the Middle East and […]
November 8, 2011

Female genital mutilation ‘may be occurring in the Maldives’

Worries have emerged that female genital mutilation could be being practised in the Maldives, the local Minivan News has […]
November 8, 2011

Somalia: Women lobby for law against FGM

Women’s groups in the Somali town of Galkayo are lobbying the authorities in the self-declared autonomous region of […]
November 8, 2011

Female genital mutilation “re-emerging” in Somalia

Female genital mutilation is becoming more common in one region of Somalia, it has been claimed. Head of […]
November 8, 2011

Female genital mutilation ‘becoming more prevalent’ in post-Mubarak Egypt

Female genital mutilation become more common following the ousting of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. This is according […]
November 2, 2011

Austria’s Federal government is likely to change the anti-forced marriage law to allow prosecutors to press charges against Austrians over forced marriages abroad.

Austria’s Federal government is likely to change the anti-forced marriage law to allow prosecutors to press charges against […]
November 2, 2011

An Irish mother has rescued her kidnapped daughter from Syria.

An Irish mother has rescued her kidnapped daughter from Syria. Via: []
November 2, 2011

The announcement that Islamic sharia law will be the basis of legislation in newly liberated Libya has raised concerns, especially among women, despite Islamists insisting moderation will prevail.

The announcement that Islamic sharia law will be the basis of legislation in newly liberated Libya has raised […]
November 2, 2011

Tunisia’s secular women fret over rise of Islamism

In Tunisia, secular women worry over the rise of Islamism. Via:[]
November 2, 2011

In Canada, Ayaan discusses the concept of citizenship in a free society.

In Canada, Ayaan discusses the concept of citizenship in a free society. Via:[]
November 2, 2011

Advocates emphasize the United States must do more to protect girls and women against forced marriages.

Advocates emphasize the United States must do more to protect girls and women against forced marriages. Via:[]
November 2, 2011

In an interview with the Calgary Herald, Ayaan urges Canadians to defend freedom of expression and the rights of women.

Ayaan urges Canadians to defend their liberal-democratic rights: “Canadians need to stand up and say: ‘We are prepared […]
November 2, 2011

The Canadian ‘honor’ killing trial of Afghan-Canadian girls Zainab and Saharia Shafia has taken on even darker dimensions after their parents’ internet searches during the weeks preceding the murder for possible murder locations and body dumping grounds were revealed.

The Canadian ‘honor’ killing trial of Afghan-Canadian girls Zainab and Saharia Shafia has taken on even darker dimensions […]
November 2, 2011

A New York attorney writes that “Every day I counsel young women running from female genital mutilation”.

A New York attorney writes that “Every day I counsel young women running from female genital mutilation”. Via:[]
November 2, 2011

The forced marriage of young girls takes place on a ‘shocking scale’ in Commonwealth countries, trapping children in a cycle of poverty, illiteracy and ill-health.

The forced marriage of young girls takes place on a ‘shocking scale’ in Commonwealth countries, trapping children in […]
November 2, 2011

In Canada’s National Post, Barbara Kay writes about the pathology of ‘honor’ violence, observing that to a person of authority in an honor culture, a life in prison may literally be perceived as a lower price to pay than feeling shamed in the group’s eyes.

In Canada’s National Post, Barbara Kay writes about the pathology of ‘honor’ violence, observing that to  a person […]
October 25, 2011

The announcement that Islamic sharia law will be the basis of legislation in Libya’s new political system has raised concerns, especially among women, despite Islamists insisting moderation will prevail.

The announcement that Islamic sharia law will be the basis of legislation in Libya’s new political system has […]
October 24, 2011

Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes that North American honor killings go beyond mere homicide.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes that North American “honor” killings go beyond mere homicide. Via:[]
October 19, 2011

The AHA Foundation’s Conference on Honor Violence & Forced Marriage

On June 6th, 2011, the AHA Foundation held the first ever conference on honor violence and forced marriage […]
October 18, 2011

In Kenya, some Maasai men are trying to combat FGM in their community

In Kenya, some Maasai men are trying to drive a gradual shift away from FGM in their community. […]